Understanding Child Labor Laws and the Chicago Film Industry

Filming in Illinois is an incredible experience. Both for the filmmaker and for the talented cast and crew that are part of various productions. Ones taking place in Chicago and other major cities throughout The Prairie State. There’s a lot of fun and adventure involved in filming in Chicago. However, filmmakers are required to know the appropriate child labor laws in the Chicago Film Industry. As well as how these laws and regulations should be adhered to.

Video Production Jobs in Chicago

Firstly, child labor laws in the Chicago film industry represent minor performers. Those cast for motion pictures, television, music videos and various other forms of entertainment employment throughout the industry.

The Illinois Department of Labor is responsible for monitoring child labor laws for the Chicago film industry.

Illinois Child Labor Rules

So, why is it so important to understand child labor laws in the Chicago film industry?

As a filmmaker, especially one that is going to use minor talent in your production. You’ve got to know the rules of the Illinois child labor force. So as not to find yourself breaking any of these incredibly powerful laws.

But what are they?

  • Minors working on film in Chicago must possess a Minor Employment Certification.
  • Supervision by a parent or guardian is necessary for children under the employ of a film set in Chicago.
  • Minors must be provided a meal break of at least 30 minutes after every five hours of work.
  • Children working in Chicago must not be scheduled to work after the hours of 7PM or before 7AM. From Labor Day until June 1. Between Labor Day and June 1, children may work until 9PM.
  • All minor workers must have a 12 hour turnaround rest break after a prior workday. This means, if a child finishes a day of work at 7PM? They must not be called back for at least 12 hours. Or no sooner than 7AM. They must also have 12 hours before their next school day.
  • Separate areas for rest and recreation as well as for schooling must be provided for children, too.
  • A copy of the Illinois Child Labor Code that outlines all of these details. It must be posted on the film set or otherwise wherever minors work. The rules must be visible for all staff and crew members. 

 Additional Child Labor Laws and the Chicago Film Industry

In addition to all of the above child labor laws that apply to the Chicago film industry. It’s important for filmmakers to also make sure they don’t approach minors with projects involving stunts or other acrobatics.

Minors that are capable of doing such activity may be permitted by a parent. In which case the filmmaker would not be violating any rules.

Child labor laws in the Chicago film industry are incredibly important for filmmakers to follow.

Additional rules involve concerns regarding applications for night waivers. Which can then be permitted in some cases. As well as rules preventing children from performing in hazardous activity.

As a filmmaker, you must know the appropriate child labor laws for the Chicago film industry. You must follow them!

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