How to Land Video Production Jobs in Charlotte, NC


The film industry is generally known as a competitive field that is extremely difficult to penetrate. Getting your foot in the door and landing your first, or any video production jobs in Charlotte, NC can be tough. Navigating the film scene is something that will take some time and dedication to conquer. Filmmakers, set workers, cast and crew realize that landing video production jobs in Charlotte, NC is a process that requires resilience, strength, dedication and a little bit of  luck!

At Beverly Boy Productions we frequently assist new aspiring filmmakers in finding the support and entry level roles in the Charlotte film scene that lead to paying careers. Give us a call at 704-230-1080 to learn more about our services or for help landing video production jobs in Charlotte, NC. Or, just follow these tips to set your best foot forward.

     1. Learn as Much as You Can, As Often as You Can

Whatever you do, you should always be learning more and trying new things if you’re going to be successful in film. This means you should always be on the lookout for free opportunities to learn more or to gain more experience in filmmaking. If it means a free class – attend it! If it means a free online course – sign up! If it means, volunteer work on an indie-film or low-budget film – do it!

     2. Increase Your Networking

Landing video production jobs in Charlotte, NC is just as much about who you know as it is about what you know. In fact, if you’re totally new to filmmaking and have little experience to talk about, who you know may actually be more important than what you know! Increase your networking and focus on connecting and building relationships with others in the North Carolina film scene.

Connect with filmmakers and crew from other studios, local film unions, the area film commission – anyone and everyone in the industry that you can connect with should be under your radar.

     3. Write an Amazing Resume & Cover Letter

Please don’t use the same resume and cover letter for every open position you apply for! Landing video production jobs in Charlotte, NC will certainly require more than just a templated cover letter that screams “this job wasn’t worth my time so I just copied what I did for another job!” Please just dont’!

Your resume is a one-page outline of your skills and work experience. It should tell your story and grab the hiring manager’s attention in a way that makes him or her have a burning desire to meet you! If you’ve been working with the same resume for some time, consider hiring a professional resume writer to help you increase your potential of landing video production jobs in Charlotte with your resume.

     4. Add to Your Portfolio

Your portfolio should showcase all of your great talents and skills. If you haven’t added anything recently, because you’ve struggled to land a position or haven’t really had any volunteer opportunities to include, consider getting creative just for the purpose of your portfolio. Make something – anything! Use your talent and creative abilities to create work that can be added to your portfolio.

If you volunteer, include your work in your portfolio. If you created various works in film school, add them to your portfolio. If you helped out with a project, include it in your portfolio. The purpose is to use the portfolio as a foundation for improving the view that an outsider would have of your skills. The more, the merrier – just make sure that you’re focusing on quality!

    5. Be Persistent

Persistence and perseverance are two extremely important traits for anyone working in film. As you continue focused on landing video production jobs in Charlotte, make sure that you’re being persistent. You should be applying to a LOT of opportunities. You should be reaching out to a LOT of potential hiring managers. You should be engaging in a LOT of conversations via social media with others in the Charlotte film industry. You should have a persistent, “I won’t stop until I succeed,” attitude. Do this, and you’ll land video production jobs in Charlotte, NC or anywhere in the film industry, really!