HD Camera Crew in Miami to Palm Beach

November 6th; HD Camera Crew in Miami films several TV commercials for Palm Beach State College. We so enjoyed creating this beautiful College TV Commercial production. We produced several videos with our friends at BG for PBSC. We had the honor of working with Palm Beach advertising agency The Boner Group on these commercials. The creative team from the agency approached us with this project, in hopes that we could add to their already brilliant creative vision. We were tasked with the challenge of creating a total of 4 Television spots, and 3 radio spots, in English, and Spanish, all to be completed in 2 weeks! But we love a good challenge. So nose to the grindstone we hit the ground running!

Book your Miami crew now!

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Rain Rain, Go away!

Our HD camera crew in Miami made the 45 minutes trip to West Palm beach to take on the challenge. With the crew was mobilized in a matter of hours. This crack-pot crew included, Camera crew, sound, lighting, make-up, a bevy of talent from the college, and of course craft service and catering to keep the mob happy. We filmed these TV commercials at the college during rainy season, and with multiple locations spanning over 2 campuses, we had our work cut out for us.  Part of the process is pre-production, pre-pro is so very important because it allows us to plan our every movement for the days to come. While everything cant possibly be planed to the T, we certainly have enough contingency’s to be ready for any unforeseen circumstances. So when the rain decided not to fall, unlike the weather report forecast. We were happy to be ahead of schedule and on a roll.

Under Promise, Over Deliver

Once we completed filming the real work began. Our clients were anticipating a 2 week turnaround on the commercials. But we love to, under promise and over deliver so we planned on working throughout the weekend to surprise our client with a first draft by Monday. Our wives and family didn’t like this plan very much, but we promised to make it up to them. We began post literally the Friday we completed filming. Our animation team got to work on a custom outro that would combine several images of students and faculty in an animated spiraling montage. Once filming was complete, and the final edit was done, the client and agency absolutely loved the spots. We are happy to report that we exceeded their expectations! This is what we live for!

Book your Palm Beach crew now!

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Here is the Spanish version of the commercial!