Do You Need Permission to Film at Disneyland_

Do You Need Permission to Film at Disneyland?

Filming at Disney or Disneyland is certainly a consideration that many filmmakers have. The iconic landmarks of the theme park and amazing sights to behold are certainly awe inspiring. It’s also something that can add profound interest to any film! But do you need permission to film at Disneyland? If permission is required, what are the steps to obtaining proper permission to film in the parks?

Unapproved Commercial Filming at Disneyland is Prohibited

First and foremost, unapproved commercial filming of any sort is prohibited. This is at all Disney parks including Disneyland, Disney World and related theme parks and properties.

Filmmakers that are interested in videotaping or recording of any kind for commercial use must seek permission from the park in advance in order to legally be permitted to film. 

According to Disneyland rules, there is a lot of camera equipment that is banned within the parks. This includes selfie sticks and hand-held extensions poles. There are various other devices that are not permitted within the parks.

Tripods and monopod stands that extend over 6 feet or which cannot fit inside a standard backpack are also not allowed inside many Disney parks.

Permission for Commercial Recording

According to Disneyland rules stated on their website, professional filmmakers or photographers interested in filming or otherwise producing commercial footage from Disneyland parks must obtain proper permission.

Furthermore, they must make prior arrangements with the appropriate Disneyland Resort representatives in advance.

Disney reserves, at sole discretion, the right to grant or not to grant permission for any recordings or broadcasts to take place on the premises.

Additionally, the use of professional cameras or equipment within the park is not permitted without prior consent. So, if you intend to film at Disneyland, you must seek consent!

How to Request Permission to Film at Disneyland

So, now that you know you’ve got to seek permission to film at any Disneyland park and you realize that permission must be sought in advance, who do you reach out to?

For permission to film inside the park or anywhere on Disneyland Resort properties, you should request permission from a Disney Representative by visiting City Hall prior to engaging in any film activity.

Permission may also be sought in writing, in advance, by contacting Disneyland Resort Guest Services. Call (714) 781-4565 to determine the appropriate channels for submitting an application for filming on the premises.

Get Documentation

Because Disneyland reserves the right to refuse permission or to grant permission to film commercially within the park on a case-by-case basis, the best recommendation we can provide is to contact guest services and request permission to film within Disneyland.

If permission is granted, request that the approval be provided to you in writing so that you will not face any further repercussions or challenges along the way.

So, do you need permission to film at Disneyland? Yes! You Absolutely do need permission, and this permission is granted on a case-by-case basis. Make sure you obtain written permission to film within the park to ensure you own legal safety.

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