Do I Need Permission to Film Video in Boston?

As a filmmaker that is planning a trip to Boston, you might be wondering, “DO I need permission to film video in Boston?” Filming anywhere in the City of Boston is likely to require not just permission, but a film permit. This is the case for most public locations throughout the city. As well as for private locations! Such as within hotels, apartment buildings, hospitals or other areas.

Boston City Shot

Generally speaking, the answer to the very common question, “Do I need permission to film video in Boston?” Is YES!

Film Permitting in Boston

Boston requires film permits for almost any type of filmmaking that you intend to perform. As most areas of the city are both public and private.

Permitting goes through several different departments. You’ll want to make contact with the City of Boston well in advance of your intent to film. That way you can apply for, and receive, the necessary permissions.

Contact the Boston Tourism Board for details or to submit your film permit request form for review. You can email them at [email protected] or call 617-635-3911 to get information about the permitting process.

Meet at the City Office

Once you’ve applied for a film permit to film in the City of Boston you’ll have to have a meeting at the city office. During the meeting, you’ll be required to show proof of insurance, a security bond, and any permits that you have already obtained.

You’ll also be introduced to other services that might be useful to you or your crew while filming in the city of Boston.

Keep in mind that you will not be issued a film permit if you do not first apply for the permit and then come to the meeting to show your proof of insurance and security bond. This step is required in order to obtain permission to film video anywhere in Boston.

Filming on Private Property in Boston

Although you might not need a city film permit to film on private property in Boston, don’t get too excited! Just about any private property location in the City of Boston will require individual permitting for commercial filmmaking permission.

You’ll want to contact the property owner well in advance of your scheduled shoot. And then discuss the activity that you wish to engage on their property.

Have Answers Ready

Be prepared to answer questions about the size of your film crew, equipment that you will bring, and other needs with the property owner. If the property owner grants you permission to film, you’ll need to get such permission in writing.

You’ll also still need a permit from the City of Boston if your filmmaking will require parking on public streets or roadways, if you’ll need the support of local law enforcement, or for many other reasons. 

In short, do I need permission to film video in Boston? YES! In almost every case, commercial filmmaking will require some kind of permission in order to film in Boston whether you’re on private property or public.

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