Funeral Live Streaming Services in Birmingham

Families and friends may struggle with the loss of a person they love if they’re too far away to attend the funeral and can’t make it due to difficult circumstances such as social distancing or job conflicts. Funeral live streaming services in Birmingham help to connect families, despite the distance. 

Funeral homes have started offering this type of service recently as a way to provide an added element of support through difficult circumstances. While everyone may want to attend the funeral together, sometimes this simply isn’t possible. Live streaming a funeral is a good way to have everyone connected throughout the experience in some way. 

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Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Families Connected

People find themselves in new places, spread across the globe, whether for travel, jobs, or otherwise. When someone in their circle or family passes away, attending the memorial service could be very challenging. What helps to keep families connected during tragedy is the option of funeral live streaming services in Birmingham. 

We don’t question the idea of live streaming a wedding or a concert but it’s hard for us to understand the concept of live streaming funeral services. The fact is that 20% of funeral homes offer this kind of service for grieving families so unless your deceased family member had wishes against live streaming in their memorial service, it could be a solution to having to figure out how to get everyone to the service from across the globe.  

Global Reach for Grieving Friends & Family Members

Whether it’s a busy schedule, job conflicts, or money issues, sometimes it simply isn’t possible to have everyone together to grieve a lost loved one. Live streaming can be used to reach people around the world so if you need to have everyone together to mourn a death in the family, this could be the best way for this to happen. 

Benefits of Remote Funeral Live Streaming

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We know that the idea of funeral live streaming services in Birmingham may seem inappropriate. But, when it comes to keeping the family together through your grief, this type of technology can be very beneficial. A funeral that is live streamed doesn’t have to be shared with the world. When you make it private, only those with access can see it, so you can be sure that it will only be shared with your loved ones. The following are a few of the added benefits found offered by live streaming: 

  • You can plan a funeral quickly when you don’t have to wait for family members to attend in person. This can be helpful for communities like the Jewish one where prompt burial is important. 
  • A live recording of the service can help people grieving. It allows you to deal with the loss by watching special moments from the memorial as many times as needed. 
  • Those who are attending the service online have the chance to chat with other people attending via live stream platforms, which can help everyone feel connected, despite being miles apart. 
  • Attending a memorial service can be beneficial for those who are grieving and even if it’s through live stream services, it allows individuals a chance at healing. 
  • Families with little ones may struggle with having their kids attend a funeral but parents can still attend the live stream service without having to expose their kids to grief. 

It can be a challenge to talk about a funeral and we know that the idea of live streaming a funeral could be a new one. But, we also know how beneficial it can be for your family to be together in this way during such a difficult time. 

Birmingham Corporate Video Production

At Beverly Boy Productions, we know that funeral live streaming services in Birmingham is never something people want to talk about but we also know that it can be helpful to have it all set up so that your family can connect through the difficult time, even if some people can’t make it in person due to mitigating circumstances that make travel impossible. If you want to make sure that you can be connected in the hardest of times, get in touch with us today. We’re here to make things easier for you.