Make the Most out Of Your Virtual Networking Event

Staying home, working remotely, and networking online are essentially “new norms” for much of society. Unfortunately, many of us simply don’t know what we should do at a virtual networking event and those of us who have engaged at similar events still find the transition all but, ‘easy.’

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With much of the world shifting gears and fewer in-person networking events scheduled on basically any calendars, making the most out of your virtual networking event is absolutely vital. Here’s what you need to know.

Prepare Before the Event

Virtual networking is a lot like in-person networking. You’ve got to prepare yourself for the event beforehand. Invite people to attend the event with you so that you don’t feel left out. Just because it’s virtual doesn’t mean that you’ll feel right at home once you’re inside the event “room” or “doors.”

Generally, a virtual networking event will take place for up to 90-minutes prior to the online event or up to 90-minutes after the event. You may find that there are more highly engaged people at a particular time or in a particular setting.

Make sure that you’re prepared to host all of the added people at the virtual networking event. Bandwidth matters here!

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Keep People Comfortable

A virtual networking event that includes a large mass of people online that are uncomfortable will not amount to much. As you work to make the most out of your virtual networking event, be sure to take steps to make sure that your attendees are comfortable.

This is the time to ask questions, offer up introductions, include check in details and use an event moderator to engage attendees. As each person at the virtual networking event to introduce themselves and share something personal. This will help everyone get to know each other and start the conversation.

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End On Time

Even if you’ve got a great virtual networking event taking place, you need to end the event on time. Why? Because people in the event may feel bad about leaving early. Others may be having a good time but intend to wait until the main party is “over” before they exit.

After you’ve gathered everyone together for the virtual networking event online make sure that you’re closing the event out on a high-note.

Let everyone know that it was great to gather with them and they can connect with each other outside the event — encourage that. Need help making the most out of your virtual networking event? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today at 888-462-7808!