Live Court Streaming Encourages Social Distancing without Total Government Shutdown

Live court streaming services may be the way courthouse services including trials and civil procedures are handled for the next several months amidst the COVID-19 outbreak which has locked down cities and towns worldwide leaving government officials scrambling to keep everyday court proceedings on schedule. While live streaming court trials for view by the public have occurred occasionally in the past, never before have clerks and government officials been faced with the potential decision to cut in-person court services nearly completely in lieu of live streaming in order to keep citizens safe.

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According to recent news, COVID-19 otherwise known as the coronavirus has suspended many court proceedings which is likely to result in extreme delays with due process.

Courts have an onus to protect the health of jurors and those who perform civic duty, therefore many have made the decision to close their doors for the next several months while COVID-19 runs its course. But what does that mean for previously scheduled court trials, civil hearings and lawsuits that are already at various stages of proceedings?

Many courts are considering live streaming trials and other important events via interactive media so that lawyers, judges, and jurors may actively resume court services from home or other remote locations despite the virus scare.

Essentially, live streaming court services would allow for continued processing of cases without face-to-face interaction which may otherwise place all parties at risk of contracting the potentially deadly coronavirus.

Benefits of Live Court Streaming Services

Live court streaming has several benefits both now with the COVID-19 pandemic well under way in our nation as well as in times when there is not a public health crisis under way. Live streaming court trials allows for masses to witness the trail without masses being public in the courthouse. This could potentially be a safer alternative to in-person court proceedings.

Virtual access to a courtroom allows for those who are actively involved in the court proceeding to be present regardless of health, handicap, distance or any other potential situation preventing them from being present in-person.

The Benefits of Live Streaming

Essentially, live streamed court proceedings provide a convenience for jurors, judges, and all involved parties to attend remotely from anywhere in the world — something we often see occur with attorneys that are not present in the courtroom but call in during the trial or otherwise provide their proceedings from a remote environment.

Additionally, live streaming court such as jury trials and civil proceedings has the following advantages:

  • Accountability to the judicial system allowing for online attendance from anywhere.
  • Documentation via a recording that can be used to reference back to both for the existing case as well as for future cases.
  • An extension of open court proceedings in cases that allow for such proceedings to take place.
  • Convenience both for jurors and for litigators to be involved in court proceedings regardless of location.

What About Case Privacy?

Worried about the risk to privacy for cases that are delicate in nature and not open to the public? Live streaming trials may take place via a secure connection that is not open to the public for view.

In fact, various options exist to ensure that court proceedings and the data that is transmitted via the live feed are respectful of the privacy of those involved.

Privacy is important and we understand the need to keep sensitive information under appropriate security to prevent any undue damage to those involved in the judicial system. Discuss security for court live stream with your live stream production crew for additional information.

Start Live Streaming Court Today

Ready to initiate live streaming court trials and other proceedings for your city or county venue? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 today.

We’ll immediately begin working with you to initiate live streaming court proceedings that will allow your judicial process to remain on track despite COVID-19 and the lockdowns that are currently taking place worldwide.

Our live streaming production crew is prepared to help you begin the live telecast of court proceedings such as a trial or hearing that is necessary to keep your calendar flowing on schedule.

Don’t be afraid to give our team a call to discuss the next steps in initiating live streaming of courtroom activities so that jurors, lawyers, and others involved in court proceedings can actively participate in operations from remote locations to limit the transmission of COVID-19 or the coronavirus. We’re here to help you during this challenging time!