Live Streaming for Restaurants Amidst COVID-19 Outbreak
Despite the outbreak of COVID-19 across the world, many restaurants remain open — for now. However, mitigations in place are slowly causing establishments to close their doors and, those that are already closed as well as those considering closures are seeking additional ways to bring in revenue while the doors are closed. Live streaming restaurants know the answer — and it lies within the use of technology to keep patrons connected and engaged.

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We’ve outlined a list of ideas for restaurants to initiate live streaming into the day-to-day routines that are currently changing so dramatically. In fact, with live streaming video, restaurants can initiate special programming to provide would-be patrons with a glimpse into their establishments and the recipes they enjoy so dearly.
As COVID-19 results in draconian changes, including shut-downs and empty establishments worldwide, restaurants must find new ways to bring in revenue. At least for the time being.
Consider the following:
Live Streaming Restaurants

Video dominates the web and, some say that if you’re not already using video to your advantage, now is a great time to initiate a plan to incorporate the use of this visual media into your marketing mix. That holds especially true if you’re a restaurant.
Live streaming for restaurants adds a human element to your online marketing that otherwise wouldn’t feel as connected as the typical face-to-face connections restaurant patrons are accustomed to. But now that the restaurant is closed down for a few weeks (or more), what can you do to gain the attraction and excitement of your patrons and make a few bucks in the process?
Offer a Glimpse Into Cooking Restaurant Style Meals at Home

Consider live streaming recipes or cooking sessions. Many patrons would pay to watch you cook that perfect Pasta al’ Carbonara they are accustomed to visiting your restaurant for. In fact, the use of live stream restaurant style recipes may just be the answer to continued revenue for your establishment despite the draconian closures that have taken place.
Live Stream Restaurant Events

Restaurants often provide patrons with live entertainment such as a piano player, jazz saxophonist or even a small band. You likely have these events booked already on your calendar despite the impeding shutdowns taking place as a result of the Coronavirus.
Consider sharing these live entertainment events with your would-be patrons via live stream video from your restaurant. While it may cost a little upfront, would-be patrons will appreciate the gesture while they are stuck at home and they’ll remember you when the doors are open once again, likely paying you back with a visit for a meal.
Get Started with Live Stream for Restaurants

Ready to put live stream video production into your restaurant? Consider live streaming your next event, or sharing meal tutorials via live stream video with your would-be patrons right away. As we all seek ways to stay occupied, entertained, and most of all — healthy, consider live streaming your restaurant activities, meals, and special events for those who cannot come for a visit either because of their own problems or because your doors are still closed as a result of COVID-19. Either way, restaurants that choose live stream stay connected with patrons!
Beverly Boy Productions looks forward to providing live stream production services for your restaurant to stay connected with patrons throughout. For more information on how you can put live stream video to work for your business, give us a call! We can’t wait to help you get started with live stream video for your establishment.