5 Powerful Ways to Market Your Insurance Company

Insurance provides protection from financial loss for a wide range of personal and business products as well as our lives, homes, cars and assets. But the business of risk management is highly competitive and generating leads can be tricky business. Major insurance companies recognize the importance of tailored insurance marketing strategies that drive consumer interest and generate quality leads seeking the risk mitigation solutions they provide.

insurance marketing plan

These 5 powerful ways to market your insurance company represent a mix of insurance marketing videos, ads, and social media marketing for insurance agents to maximize insurance leads and generate exposure for their business.

#1 Initiate Insurance Social Media Marketing Strategies

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and various other social media platforms offer insurance companies a means of connecting with potential leads on a personal level. Delivering compelling content via social media can help you to grow your brand exponentially.

In fact, studies have proven that insurance companies have a large audience on Facebook and LinkedIn as well as on various other social platforms including Twitter and YouTube.

As you look to define social media marketing for your insurance company, consider the following:

  • Share insurance Q and A sessions or FAQ videos that help followers to understand complex topics relative to the industry.
  • Share client testimonials that help consumers gain trust in your values as an insurance agent.
  • Share live video feeds of a seminar or similar activities that you are involved in as an agent.
  • Provide local interview videos that showcase your work with various business owners that utilize your services.

#2 Live Stream Seminars & Events

While you may not think of video live stream as the go to source for sharing your insurance updates, this type of marketing for insurance companies represents a key player in top quality campaigns.

Live stream video feeds reach Millennials and Generation Z with the type of content they crave. Sharing insurance seminars and events via live stream allows you to immediately connect with the audience and engage in a way that no other form of content marketing can.

#3 Take Advantage of Local Business Networking

marketing insurance networking

Advertising your insurance company via the local area Chamber of Commerce is a starting point but don’t let your networking end there. Additional opportunities exist within various independent networks and groups that allow agents to connect with others that share similar interests and take part in activities related to those they are regularly involved in.

Networking your insurance company locally as well as on a national level allows you to build a stronger name and reputation for your brand. Network with neighborhood groups, community organizations, and corporations that are relevant to your mission and services to maximize on the value of WHO you know, rather than only focusing on WHAT you know.

Additional networking opportunities include:

Check with your local chamber of commerce or online for details on insurance trade organizations and groups in addition to those listed above.

#4 Use Animated Explainer Videos to Simplify Complex Processes

Explaining your services to prospective clients is one of the most challenging elements of your sale pitch as an insurance agent. However, animated explainer videos help you educate your audience and deliver key details on complex processes and insurance solutions in a simple, easy to follower manner.

And, since 80% of consumers look to video to help them understand and choose the solutions most tailored to their needs, insurance agents that include animations in their insurance marketing campaigns are more likely to see higher conversions than those that avoid this tactic.

Consider using animated explainer videos to help you bring in more qualified leads to your agency.

#5 Produce Corporate Videos to Compete with Other Agents

Corporate video production for insurance agents offer an additional means of competing with other agents in the area as well as on a national level. Several options exist to help you compete with agents while you provide your prospects with educational and promotional content that meets their needs.

Consider the following types of corporate video for your insurance marketing campaigns:

  • Corporate interview videos that showcase your work with local business owners.
  • Tutorial videos that help clients navigate your website, fill out a claim form, or file for additional insurance coverage.
  • Post-claim client interviews and testimonials that help prospective clients understand how easy the process is and why they should work with you.
  • Corporate sales and promotional videos or insurance ads that boost conversions for your agency.
  • Insurance marketing videos that provide claims process reviews and details on what it’s like to work with your company.

Ultimately, these 5 powerful ways to market your insurance company represent a mix of opportunity and strategy that will help you generate leads for your agency. Need help creating insurance marketing videos? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We can’t wait to assist you!