How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in San Diego

Live streaming an event is something that many San Diego business owners have thought about using, especially since COVID-19 has changed the way that our companies and events can operate. From closures all over to changes in the way an event can be held, many San Diego CEOs are looking for new ways of doing things, which includes live streaming. If you’re curious about what goes into streaming, you may also want to know “How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in San Diego?”

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At Beverly Boy Productions, we typically discuss San Diego live streaming costs with clients in advance so that you know what to expect with live stream event costs. Most base rates can start at $1,000 and $5,000 for most events. A few factors contribute to higher costs, so it’s a good idea to be aware of everything before moving forward.

San Diego Event Streaming Costs

Streaming your event can have additional costs or considerations based on the size of your event, as well as its duration, and even the crew members needed to bring your vision to life. When you ask, “How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in San Diego?,” we usually discuss these rates below:

  • Director – up to $252 per hour
  • Camera Operator – up to $402 per hour
  • Equipment – up to $102s per hour
  • Switcher – up to $202 per hour
  • Streaming platform – $52 to $1,002 (depends on the platform and usage)
  • B-Roll – usually a percentage of the total cost between 12 and 52%
  • Miscellaneous Fees – very little or could be 1,002s
  • Narrator – up to $402 per hour


These rates don’t include venues, equipment rentals, and extras like a CDN.

Event Streaming Cost Considerations

When an America’s Finest City business owner asks, ‘How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in San Diego?” there are certain factors to ask that can help define the budget, such as:

  • Event duration definitely impacts cost. The longer the event, the more crew members you’ll need, which has an effect on pricing.
  • The size of your audience also impacts cost. You may need higher bandwidth for your event if it’s a large presentation.
  • . A single presentation event would require fewer crew members than a large, multiple presentation event, so event size also has an impact on price.

San Diego virtual event cost 

We make sure to take time to understand what you want out of your event and San Diego virtual event cost to help us determine the total budget of the live stream. For most single day events, a cost of between $1,000 and $5,000 is typical. Keep in mind that a multiple day event or an event that calls for different crews and more advanced technology, as well as specialists could mean a higher cost.  

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So, when you ask, “How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in San Diego?” your initial answer may be $1,000 and $5,000 but the truth is that the answer may vary according to factors mentioned above. Get in touch today and let’s discuss your live streaming needs.