Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry

Caring for office plants, shrubs and flowers that grow in & alongside commercial buildings, public spaces, or corporate meeting areas is part of a $20 billion dollar industry known as the office plant services industry which includes approximately 175K businesses across the United States. Business owners are responsible for the exterior landscaping and interior care of flowers and plants across a variety of commercial, non-residential spaces including corporate campuses, educational facilities, parks, hospitals & healthcare campuses, and various other public or private commercial spaces. Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry is primarily centered around the b2b marketing & promotional services which are intended to generate awareness, leads, and subsequent sales of landscaping & plant care services which are essential to business growth & revenue across these brands.

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Beverly Boy Productions provides a wide range of expert video production services that can help businesses in the office plant services industry to achieve their marketing, promotions, & relationship building goals as well as to introduce expert training into their campaigns.

Promotional Videos for the Office Plant Services Industry

Promotional Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry is another key area of engaging your audience and introducing quality content that speaks to their needs. Expert produced promotional videos can help you to achieve a variety of goals for your office plant services business including:

  • Increased social media reach.
  • Higher landing page conversions & sales.
  • Increased email campaign conversions & sales.
  • Increased leads across social media, your website, landing pages & social media.
  • Increased revenue generation & ROI for your brand.

Promoting your B2B office plant services brand to other businesses is an essential aspect of growth that can be most effectively achieved with the assistance of video which presents your business in a way that will draw interest, boost excitement, and integrate with each of the other styles of content you produce for inclusion online & off.

Marketing Videos for the Office Plant Services Industry

With overall demand for office plant services in the U.S. growing, leading organizations closer to the services provided by businesses in this industry is an essential marketing task that is one of many tasks that can largely be accomplished with video. Marketing Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry includes the creation of educational videos for social media, corporate websites, landing pages & email campaigns as well as for the use across a variety of other omnichannel media platforms. This is just one of the many ways that marketing videos can be used to help your office plant care & maintenance business achieve its most essential goals.

Additional opportunities to engage your audience & utilize marketing videos for the growth of your commercial plant care brand include:

  • Creating awareness boosting videos that showcase key pain points of prospective customers & the solutions your business can provide.
  • Engaging leads through videos that introduce bite-sized details around your business, the solutions you provide, and the ways that you can help your audience overcome the various challenges they face with maintaining the plants & vegetation inside their commercial space.
  • Nurturing leads at all stages of the customer journey from post-awareness interest to post-purchase repetition of sale.

Video is already used by more than 70% of b2b marketers and has been found to increase leads, sales & ROI for the businesses that are part of these brands.

Training Videos for the Office Plant Services Industry

Training Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry is essential to keeping employees fluently trained on the important skills that are require for them to properly perform their jobs. Expert training videos deliver key guidance for employees in a way that is easy to access, engaging, and uniquely targeted so that your office plant care & maintenance services can:

  • Cut back on total training time without cutting out any important training material.
  • Improve training knowledge retention without increasing training time.
  • Minimize training inconsistencies by providing a one-and-done training solution.
  • Make training more accessible & readily available from anywhere, any time & any space.

Expert training videos will save your office plant maintenance business time & money with each new employee you hire that utilizes your training video series.

Interview Videos for the Office Plant Services Industry

Expert interview videos can be found in a variety of types and styles. They often include simple, one-on-one engagement between an interviewer and a professional, such as a leader or niche-specific member of your organization who will share important information about plant care, office landscaping, and other details in order to pique the interest of office owners or businesses that could potentially benefit from the services your organization provides.

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Additional forms of interview Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry include:

  • Creation of case study interviews that engage other businesses, generally those you’ve worked with in the past, to provide insight into their situation and unique pain point as well as details on how your office plant services business was able to provide a solution.
  • Creation of customer interviews that represent testimonials which can be shared with prospects to prove the value of your business or brand.
  • Creation of b2b testimonials that showcase your business as the key professional behind valued relationships that are integral to the growth of other brands.

Video Production for the Office Plant Services Industry is essential to increasing your leads and driving key revenue that is important to growing your business. Ask Team Beverly Boy about the many ways that you can utilize videos for the marketing, promotions, training, & growth of your business or brand.