Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit

The retirement community industry generates over $75 billion and hires over 1,000,000 personnel. As the demand for assisted living communities increases, it is important to strategize your marketing efforts for retirement communities. Compared to other types of marketing media, Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit is an effective service that produces amazing videos that can empower the 50,000+ nursing homes across the U.S to market their services. In order to win against your competitors, it is essential for your retirement community to create an effective marketing strategy that targets a particular market. We also service Troy, Southfield, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, and Birmingham.

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As we have already said, an effective marketing strategy for retirement communities is needed if you want to capture the attention of potential residents while maintaining your current residents. At Beverly Boy Productions, we offer professional services to Detroit retirement homes, and work together with them to create authentic promotional videos as well as interview videos. Video production gives you an opportunity to share to the world what type of services you offer, which increases your audience engagement, making it easier for you to reach your marketing goals.

Promotional Videos for the Retirement Community Industry

Highlighting your retirement community by putting it in the spotlight helps your retirement home gain recognition from future residents. Promotional Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit should be taken into consideration when crafting a marketing strategy. It is crucial to take into account all the elements you need for a successful marketing campaign.

Did you know the average internet user spends nearly two and a half hours on social media? You didn’t? Well now that you do, as a retirement home, it is important to identify where your target audience utilizes their time online. Our team of professionals at Beverly Boy Productions are experienced in creating brief and captivating promotional videos for retirement communities. Although promotional videos can be used for television commercials, they are more effective when distributed across popular online platforms. Some platforms where you can upload your branded videos include your business website, social media pages and email campaigns. We also service Washtenaw County, Monroe County, Macomb County, and Oakland County.

Marketing Videos for the Retirement Community Industry

It is important to include Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit as a service that can produce the best marketing tools for your marketing campaign.. With over 82% of the internet consisting of video content, retirement homes that use video in their marketing strategy are smart in ensuring that they are using the most impactful marketing tool to market their caregiving services.


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As a retirement community, you wouldn’t want to be viewed as a business that focuses only on its sales. You want to be identified as a continuing care community, a nursing home, a village, or a home that every senior would want to spend their golden days in. Video marketing is the best way to help families find your business on various online platforms. Video marketing has numerous benefits, they include:

● Spreading the word about their business, brand, products, or services
● Establishes the business as an authority in the retirement community industry
● Increases brand authenticity, building trust and credibility with clients
● Influences buying decisions (90% of customers say a video helps them make a buying decision, according to Forbes)
Video is the perfect way to create a personality for your company and your brand; it enables you to connect with your viewer and earn their trust. The more videos you produce to educate and inform your customers, the more you will build on that foundation of trust. And trust translates to sales.

Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit is an effective service that can empower the marketing efforts of your retirement community to families who are in search of a trusting community. Promotional videos also work to reassure families that are already part of your home. You can trust Beverly Boy Productions to produce a professional marketing video that shows every single aspect of your one-of-a-kind retirement community.

Professional marketing videos also give more information on the type of retirement community and senior living options you offer, for example:

Age-restricted communities
Independent Living
Continuing Care
Assisted Living
Nursing Homes and Skilled Nursing Facilities
Continuing care
Convalescent home
Convalescent hospital
Old folks’ home
Retirement facility

Training Videos for the Retirement Community Industry

Aside from using videos as a marketing media, they can also be used in training in the retirement community industry. In order to keep the wheels of your retirement home turning, new senior care professionals should receive proper training. Personalized training videos for your senior care professionals save time, money and resources while improving employee learning outcomes. A personalized training video is a medium that can be twisted, pounded, and bent into the shape of your organization’s culture and training program. It is flexible allowing you to customize it to achieve your desired outcomes.

Indeed, training videos:
● Have a higher overall employee watch rate; employees are 75% more likely to engage in video training than they would with manual training
● Have greater flexibility; an estimated 42% of employees prefer the flexibility of video over other forms of communication and training such as scheduled in-person training or written manuals
● Have a higher retention rate; people recall upwards of 90% of what they see in a video compared to about 20% of what they read
● Will make employee training more effective while reducing training costs; each video can be used over and over again, and improved comprehension makes videos 83% more effective
Everyone has a different way of learning, even your senior care professionals. Some people prefer reading while others through visual representations. Videos allow you to take a blended learning approach to your training that could complement your existing offline or written components.

Prospective senior care professionals are the future of your retirement home. Retirement homes offer numerous senior care facility options that may leave your audience spoiled for choices. Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit will help guide them towards the best option for them. Some of these options are:
Independent Living
Residential Care Homes
Respite Services
Assisted Living
Memory Care
Skilled Nursing
Retirement Community

Interview Videos for the Retirement Community Industry

Most people think of job applications when they hear interview videos. However, interview videos for the retirement community industry are a powerful tool for your marketing campaign. One of them is expert interview videos for retirement communities. These are interviews where members of your staff and leaders in the industry provide some insight into who you are, what you do, and how your work benefits the residents. On the other hand, resident interviews are another variety of interview videos that capture endorsements from happy residents as well as their families. We also service 48127, 48204, 48208, 48212, or 48201.

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Both types of videos prevent your marketing videos from feeling stale and forced. Interview-style videos and live streaming add that human quality to your marketing by putting a face to your business. They build credibility around your business and increase trust and understanding with your prospective customers. They just feel so much sincerer than most marketing today, especially when they’re not scripted. They are the best type of videos for sharing your company’s leadership, or the opinions of the residents living in your home. Interview Video Production for the Retirement Community Industry in Detroit can show off the level of authority your senior care facility has in your industry, and highlight the amount of knowledge you have in providing quality senior care to patients.