Everything You Need to Know about Independent Film Actor Contracts

As an independent film producer, the use of independent film actor contracts. Specifically those which include key details about the employment relationship between the producer and the actor, are key. These contracts are an important element to any film production and are required in order for a clean chain of title to be documented and for distribution to be secured. If you’re new to the film industry, you might have some questions about independent film actor contracts and what they mean for your project.

What is an Actor Contract?

Independent film actor contracts are essentially employment agreements that an actor and film producer enter into. For the purpose of filming a performance and transferring the rights to that performance to the filmmaker.

These contracts typically outline the rights of the filmmaker and the actor while also addressing key details regarding the terms of payment made to the actor, how payments will be made.

And, most importantly, whether any deferred compensation agreement will come along with distribution.

Beware Free Actor Contracts from Unions

Independent film actor contracts are frequently in use for the purpose of hiring an actor and executing an agreement for employment.

Many new independent filmmakers turn to the free independent film actor contracts. Which are made available by unions. Such as the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) because they are free to use. But this isn’t always ideal. 

The use of free contracts, such as those outlined by a union that represents the actor, can result in a loss of rights for the filmmaker if he or she is not careful.

Thus, it’s very important for independent filmmakers to recognize that the use of free actor contracts. Although free, may potentially be problematic for the filmmaker. And should only be done after having an attorney thoroughly review the contract.

Work With Your Attorney to Draft Actor Contracts

Before you move forward with the initiation of independent film actor contracts it is absolutely vital that you work closely with your production attorney. This way you can be sure that your interests have careful consideration with the process.

Whether you’re entering an agreement with an actor that is a member of a union, or not, should not matter. Nor should it force you into entering into an agreement that uses the free union based forms that are available.

The use of such forms is equivalent to your hiring the actor’s attorney to represent you against the actor. You just wouldn’t do it!

In Summary

Your independent film actor contracts should clearly dictate the key details regarding the role that the actor will play in your production. Any compensation that is agreed upon. And the rights to the performance as they pertain both to you and to the actor.

Make sure that you include your agreements in your documentation as they will be key to the chain of title documentation which is going to be necessary with your distribution deal later on.

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