How to Write a Short Video Script

Short videos are incredibly important to businesses as more and more internet traffic and conversions rely on the use of video to support written content topics. Script writing is an integral part of the filmmaking process that every aspiring filmmaker must eventually learn. In fact, whether you’re an avid filmmaker or a business owner that’s just interested in breaching the marketing to get your content recognized, learning how to write a short video script is something that many of us must figure out.

A great script can lead to an even better video. But a bad video script can quickly ruin your efforts. Before you start writing, consider learning how to write a short video script that will accomplish the marketing objectives that you set out to crush.

Because the perfect short script isn’t too challenging, all it takes is a little bit of effort and a lot of practice.

Formatting the Script

Like a long or feature video script, formatting your script is important. While standard formatting rules of 12-point Courier font, and various other applications still apply, for a short video script one of the most important elements of formatting to consider is the length.

For the average video script, every page of written script is equal to approximately 1 minute of finished video. 

In addition to the total written script elements, it’s important to consider the number of words that will be said in your video. With a short video, every single word counts.

As you’re writing your script, consider the following:

  • For a 30 second short video, you should aim for about 60 words.
  • For a 60 second video, you should aim for about 120 words.
  • For a two minute video, you should aim for about 240 words.

In addition to your word count, make sure that you’re actively learning how to write a short video script that will convert. Think about each word you include, the purpose, and the power of the words.

Writing the Script Outline

Writing your script outline will help you to structure your story exactly how you want it to be delivered on video.

If you’re creating a marketing video, which is a very common use for a short video, you’ll want to include:

  • The opening scene details.
  • The consumer problem.
  • The solution that you provide. 
  • The supporting details your audience may not know.
  • Why they should come to you.
  • The call to action.

Important Short Script Tips

Before you learn how to write a short video script, make sure that you’re prepared to follow these important tips and rules for writing a short script. Because you’re limited on words and time, you’ll want to make sure that every word and every visual representation that you include in your script counts. 

As you plan your script, make sure to keep it short and to the point. Do not include points or topics that are unrelated to the primary point of interest. Your story, or your details, should be hyper focused for a short video.

It’s also important to focus heavily on your audience and to be sure that you’re writing for your audience. 

Follow these additional tips to ensure success when writing your short video script:

  • Keep it short.
  • Use eye catching visual details.
  • Show, don’t tell.
  • Be fun! Keep your audience engaged.
  • Use a logical flow of details.
  • Aim for about 120 words per minute.
  • Revise, revise, revise. 
  • Seek inspiration from other short video scripts.

Knowing how to write a short video script that will connect with your audience and generate the desired outcomes is an integral part of filmmaking for any aspiring cinematographer, filmmaker, or screenwriter.

Practice makes perfect, so spend some time practicing and don’t be afraid to put forth your best effort!

The folks over at GrowthLab go over their scriptwriting process that may help you get started on organizing your own!