What is Sound Bridge in Film?
Throughout filmmaking the use of transitional devices is a common element. For everything from the script to the visual scenes to the sound. Each transitional device has a way of smoothing out scene transitions. To create a cohesive flow from one moment to the next throughout your narrative. Not only do we see the use of various visual transitions between scenes. But the use of sound transitions. Such as a sound bridge to bridge audio between scenes is also common. But, what is a sound bridge in film and how does it work?
Various types of sound bridges can be used to transition the audio of a scene from one scene to the next. In fact, using sound bridges to seamlessly transition between scenes.
It represents an integral point of film editing. In which sound is carried over through the visual transition of a film. It really does help to pull the entire scene to scene transition together.
Sound bridging is a type of sound editing that involves the transition of audio between scenes. A sound bridge represents a form of continuity editing style.
That can be used to effectively connect the mood of one scene to the next. Effectively tying scenes together with the sound that is used.
The use of a sound bridge in film as a transitional device is incredibly common. Especially since there are actually several different ways that audio can be bridged together effectively. Think of all the different types of sound that are used in filmmaking: dialogue, sound effects, and music.
Each of these types of sounds can effectively be incorporated into a transitional sound bridge in order to help maintain continuity and a smooth flow of your film.
Sound bridge is used to transition the audio from one scene to another. In its most basic form, the sound bridge can be used to lead the audience into a scene or out of a previous scene.
In fact, the use of sound bridges as a transitional device to lead the audience from one scene to another is incredibly common in film editing.
The sound bridge takes place when the sound from the next scene begins to play while images from the prior scene are still showing or remain on the screen. Sometimes a sound bridge will result in a sound lingering a bit as the next scene begins to appear on the screen.
Think of any scene that you’ve watched in which you begin to hear sound effectives, narration, dialogue, or musical elements before you see the actual scene that they relate to – that’s a sound bridge.
It effectively transitions your focus from the prior scene, onto what’s happening next, while linking the scenes by mood or some other thematic element that is relative to the sounds.
So, what is sound bridge in film? Sound bridge is a transitional audio device that is used by film editors to take the audience into or out of a scene by connecting the two scenes thematically with audio that begins playing in advance of the next visuals of the scene.