How Does the Focus Puller Know Where the Camera is Looking?

Working the film set requires a lot of stamina, flexibility, and practice no matter what role you’re in. For focus pullers, working closely by the sides of the camera operator has several benefits, but the work can be challenging at times. These individuals are responsible for manually adjusting the focus of the camera lens as the subject moves around the scene, but how does the focus puller know where the camera is looking so that they can set the right shot?

camera crew filming interviews

This is a question that new cinematographers and those considering a role on the film set often ask. Since the focus puller has such an important job that requires incredible precision, many wonder how it all works.

How does the focus puller know what to do? How do they know where the camera is looking? How do they know where the camera is looking at any given moment?

Let’s take a look!

How Does the Focus Puller Set Focus?

Focus pullers will mark the set with gaffer tape or other types of sticky tape to help the cast know where they should be at various points during the scene. These marks are called focus marks and they represent key insight for the crew and the talent working on the set.

Focus marks are used to mark where the talent will be, and the focus puller will then measure and record the distance between those marks and the camera. This way, the focus puller knows exactly how far the camera is from the subject, before filming begins.

How is the Camera Focused?

Following the precise measurements that the focus puller collected prior to the shoot, they are able to precisely focus the camera by simply rotating the following focus which represents a unique piece of equipment that is attached to the camera lens.

Focus pullers that are new, just starting out, or that simply want a secondary set of eyes or proof that they have pulled focus correctly, may use an LCD monitor to capture their subject and confirm focus is set.

How Does the Focus Puller Know Where the Camera is Looking?

Even after explaining how the focus puller will set focus and the process that is required to achieve perfect focus every time, some still wonder, but, “How does the focus puller know where the camera is looking?”

It’s really a good question, that requires some simple insight into the process of production to answer it.

The focus puller knows where the camera is looking based on the marks that have been placed in advance of the shoot.

Some focus pullers avoid placing too many marks in order to limit the risk of confusion, but they typically include placement marks for talent and will sometimes use an LED screen to see the image of the camera as a backup means of knowing that their focus is properly set however “old school” focus pullers still go based off their experience and their own eyes.

So, when it comes to answering the question, “How does the focus puller know where the camera is looking?” It’s all about experience!