How to Land Video Production Jobs in Raleigh

Raleigh, North Carolina is a busy city with a competitive film scene. An industry that is notorious for competition and well-known for being a challenge to enter, video production is something many aspire to participate in. Landing video production jobs in Raleigh can be a challenging process, but with some focus and persistence, you can get your foot in the door. We’ve put together these tips to assist you.

      1. Update Your Resume

Before you can land a production job, you’re going to need a resume that stands out to hiring managers. If your resume doesn’t already showcase your skills and past history of film set work or film production knowledge, you’ve got to update it. Your resume should also resemble a story that is all about you and the value you can bring to a film set. If you’re not a good story teller, hire a professional resume writer to help you improve your resume.


      2. Update Social Profiles

Your social media profiles should actively share your skills and techniques so that hiring managers can find you. Your social media profiles should be regularly updated to share the work that you are actively engaging in on the film set. If you’re not working on the film set, consider posting any of your past involvement or any creative work that you’re actively engaged in.

      3. Provide Volunteer Work

Landing video production jobs in Raleigh may be challenging, but if you find yourself struggling to find paid opportunities, consider providing volunteer work. Volunteering your time on the film set will provide you with a chance to engage and meet more people that are involved in the film scene which may lead to more paid opportunities.

The Raleigh video production industry is generally full of opportunities. Search the local film commission for information on volunteer opportunities or various other chances for you to get your foot in the door.

      4. Network with Filmmakers

The more you can get your name actively recognized in the Raleigh film scene the greater your chance will be of securing a paid position. Landing video production jobs in Raleigh is sometimes more about who you know, than what you know. Networking with other filmmakers, producers, and individuals working film sets in Raleigh will frequently lead to paid positions

      5. Apply & Follow-up

Applying to Raleigh film set positions may take some time and effort on your part, Expect to apply for several jobs before you land a position. For every 10 jobs that you apply for, 1 response is likely. Just be sure to keep actively applying and following up with each application you send and you’ll soon land video production jobs in Raleigh!