5 Ways to Incorporate 360 Degree Video Production Into Your Film

5 Ways to Incorporate 360 Degree Video Production Into Your Film

Whether you love 360° video or hate it, it’s starting to look like this popular trend in video production that has been widely used for virtual reality films might be here to stay for a little while. And, whether you like it or not, that means that you’re probably going to want to find ways to utilize 360 degree video production in your own videos and films or else you’re going to face the potential of being the only filmmaker that doesn’t at least find a few ways to have some fun with 360° video. 

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    At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in full-service video production and like to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. While we’ve enjoyed watching 360° video evolve and be incorporated into more than just VR effects, we realize that it’s not for everyone.

    We also think it’s important to stay ahead of the competition, and we believe that more and more filmmakers are going to continue to incorporate 360° video into their projects.

    So, to help you stay ahead of the competition, we’ve put together a list of ways that you can incorporate 360 degree video production into your own projects too.

    1. 3D Modeling Footage

    All the rage in science, and specifically important with the health hazards faced worldwide, 3D modeling is a popular method of delivering detailed, easy to understand models of complex and otherwise complicated subject matter.

    The use of 360° video production to capture the scene in which your 3D model will be depicted will allow you to produce powerfully realistic footage that your audience can’t get enough of. Don’t take our word for it — try it out yourself and let us know what you think!

    2. An Entirely Different Point of View

    Using the 360° view to capture your shots in the point-of-view perspective brings an entirely different point of view about in the final footage.

    Because the shot is captured in 360° there is the ability to later alter the view and see from other viewpoints or to essentially turn around a full 360° to experience the entire viewable area of the location that you were shooting in.

    These views can be framed in post-production to provide additional viewpoints, angles, and ideas to your film project.

    3. Time-lapse 360° Video Production


    That’s right, you can use your 360° camera to produce time-lapse videos and then experience all the glory of the 360° image at various intervals throughout the time-lapsed video.

    This means you won’t miss anything important that is taking place in your surrounding area during the time-lapse video and, since you can frame your 360° shots from various viewpoints in post, you can include dynamic 360 degree video production shots that add excitement and value to your 360° time-lapse videos.

    4. Reproduce Ultra Wide-Angle Shots with a Wide Angle Lens

    Want to create the look of an ultra wide-angle lens without the investment? All you have to do is use your 360° camera to capture a traditional video and convert.

    You can set the field of view so that it appears to have an ultra wide-angle lens and produce the look of an expensive lens without all the added equipment.

    We’ve seen this used in several different ways recently, but most notably is the use of the ultra wide-angle view that comes when a 360° camera is used to create the sense of larger than life subjects on a tiny planet.

    5. Interactive Scenarios

    The use of 360 degree video production can be incorporated into film to produce immersive learning scenarios.

    In fact, you can incorporate 360° video into educational training videos and set up different scenarios in which the viewer chooses which way to look or turn and what happens as a result.

    These types of interactive content are becoming increasingly popular in job training and other fields, and will continue to grow. Indeed, if you’re not using 360° video production to your advantage already, you’re already behind in the times!

    Can you afford to stay behind your competition?

    To learn more about 360° video production, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!