Quick Steps to Shooting a TV Commercial that Wins Customers

TV commercials aren’t exactly the only option you have to advertise these days, but great brands recognize the power of television as one of their many advertising tools. While you want to produce commercials that will win over your customers and produce positive ROI for your brand, how can you guarantee success? While you may not necessarily be able to guarantee how many people see your commercial, or what will happen when they do, you can take quick steps when shooting a TV commercial to ensure you’ve got the best chance of succeeding.

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Step 1: Eliminate Your Own TV Commercial Roadblocks

Don’t get in your own way! That’s the most important step you can take, really. Shooting a TV commercial is a big investment in time, budget, and expectations. Make sure that you’ve done your homework, you know where you’re going to advertise and why, and you’re not taking any steps that would sabotage your own efforts. 

Step 2: Hire a Professional Production Company

Now is also a great time to consider hiring a professional video production agency! Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 to immediately get started with a professional that can work on shooting a TV commercial for your brand.

Hiring a professional will result in top quality for your television advertising media–and you’ll have a better chance in competing with competitors that are already advertising online.

Step 3: Plan Shots


Most of this will be handled by your video production agency, but if there’s a particular shot or idea that you have in mind–don’t be afraid to discuss it! Planning out the shots when shooting a TV commercial is a major part of the pre-production process that will result in success for your ad.

For Your Consideration

While you may have 10 products you wish to focus on, perhaps featuring them in different shots can help? Or, perhaps you can arrange the shots in a way that is more useful for the end result? These are the types of considerations to be made at this stage of the game.

Step 4: Action!

You’ve hired a professional video production company, you’ve planned your shots, now it’s time to film your commercial. This is where it all comes together. Shooting a television commercial will take about a day or potentially several days if the shoot is complex. You’re going to see a lot going on during production–the best thing to do at this stage is stay out of the way!

Go Team Beverly Boy

Beverly Boy Videographer

It’s a lot of fun shooting a TV commercial, but it’s also a very intricate process that requires professional camera crews and production staff for success. Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more.