5 Reasons to Hire a Jacksonville Customer Testimonial Video Production Company

Long ago, before the 90s when the internet first started becoming popular, and before there were social media platforms or rapidly spreading news that could potentially reach around the world in seconds, there was word of mouth marketing – and it worked surprisingly well. In fact, customer testimonials have been a powerful commodity for business owners for quite some time but working with a Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company could potentially be more powerful than it ever has been if you factor in all of the benefits we’re about to address.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we realize that customer testimonial videos are an important part of any brand’s overall marketing and advertising campaigns. That’s why we’ve spent the better part of two decades perfecting the art of producing premium customer testimonial videos for Jacksonville businesses as well as for businesses throughout Florida and worldwide. To learn more about working with our Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company, give use a call. 

For more insight into why you should considering hiring a professional to assist you with the production of a customer testimonial video for your Jacksonville business, keep reading about the many benefits that working with a professional can provide.

Lighting Setup

  1. Consumers Seek Customer Testimonial Videos Prior to Making Purchase Decisions

Not only do 92% of consumers seek the reviews and testimonials of past customers before they make a purchase, but up to 95% of consumers state that customer testimonials directly influence their purchase decisions whether positive or negative. Working closely with a Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company that understands the local market can have the added benefit of influencing customer purchases by creating a shared sense of understanding not only of your business, but of the solutions that you provide and of local area scenarios that are most likely to result in the need for certain products or services. 

  1. A Professional Jacksonville Customer Testimonial Video Production Company Has Ties Locally

What does this mean and how does it equate to a benefit in regards to the production of a customer testimonial for your Jacksonville, Florida business? Customer testimonials require the true story of a customer, which for a Jacksonville business, likely means that the production will require working closely with customers that are local to the area. Hiring a professional Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company means they’ll understand the local area, be local to your customers which makes the production convenient on everyone, and as an added bonus, they’ll likely understand the area from a local perspective. This means they’ll have ideas on where to film, what the best areas in the city are for the backdrop of your testimonial video, and what the rules or permitting requirements are should the production take place outside your business or a studio.

  1. Professional Customer Testimonials Have the Highest Effectiveness 

A study found by Social Fresh mentioned that customer testimonials actually have the highest overall effectiveness rating when it comes to content marketing, coming in at 89% according to the study. However, not all customer testimonial videos are created equally. It takes great skill to film a customer testimonial that comes off as more than just a one on one interview between brand and customer. Professional Jacksonville customer testimonial video production requires the creative skills and storytelling ability of an expert, like the team at Beverly Boy Productions.

Sharing a testimonial that is actually more like a story as told by the customer complete with advanced video footage, b-roll and plenty of entertainment will certainly be more powerful than a quick visual of a customer stating the obvious. This is the key difference between a professional testimonial and one that is produced by an amateur and your audience is most definitely going to know!

  1. Quality Matters for Trust & for Social Proof

Working with a Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company to assist you in the creation of top quality customer testimonial videos is an important step because quality matters both for trust and for social proof. With customer testimonial videos holding the power of both trust and social proof, it’s very important that you work with a professional film crew that understands the importance of both as we produce online reviews that are potentially trusted just as much or more than personal recommendations by as many as 88% of consumers, according to Search Engine Land.

90% of consumers trust what others say about a business more than they trust what the business has to say about itself, and who could blame them? Today’s market, no matter what industry you’re in, is more competitive than ever. So before you go doing everything you can to overcome your competition, consider hiring a professional Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company to help you set your best foot forward where it matters most.

  1. Professionals Understand How to Use Video to Showcase the Customer’s Testimony

A customer testimonial is really a story, good or bad, about a customer’s use of a product or service or their interaction with a business or brand. It includes the details of the relationship, how the relationship between the customer and the business developed, and what the most valuable elements of the relationship were at the time. Most businesses seek professional customer testimonials in order to show off the customer’s journey with a brand and the solution that the brand was able to provide, but there’s more to it than just that.

Hiring a Jacksonville customer testimonial video production company that understands how to use video to showcase the customer’s testimony is essential to ensure not only that trust is built, but more importantly, that the testimonial illustrates the consumer’s use of the product. This way, future prospective customers can visualize themselves as the “customer” using the product in a way that benefits them and ultimately results in their own purchase. Especially since 42% of people state that testimonial videos help them to understand the customer’s story and 39% state that a video helps them to visualize the impact of a product in their own life.