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How to Create a Virtual Job Fair

Setting up a virtual job fair will help you to reduce recruiting costs and improve your overall recruitment practices, but do you know how to create a virtual job fair? Many businesses consider hosting a virtual career event but don’t know what it takes to get started. We’ve outlined the top tasks that you’ll need for the initiative in order to create a virtual job fair that will attract potential employees and generate recruitment opportunities for your business.

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Set Virtual Job Fair Goals


First and foremost, you need to set your goals. What do you wish to achieve with the virtual job fair? More hires? More recruits? A Rolodex of possible candidates for the future? All of the above?

Consider the following:

● Will you host a virtual job fair that offers jobs from only your business or from your business and others?

● Will you conduct interviews at the virtual fair or at a later date?

● How will you measure the success of the fair?

Choose Hosting

Setting up live streaming gear in Shanghai

How will you host your virtual job fair? As you learn how to create a virtual job fair, hosting is a major element and a vital area of success. There are many different options and platforms to host. Additionally, you could host from your own website if you work with a professional. Beverly Boy Productions can help you set up hosting for your virtual career fair and determine how you will utilize features such as chat, meeting spaces, and engagement areas. Give us a call to learn more!

Customize Workflows

Virtual Career Fair Virtual Job Fair

As you figure out how to create a virtual job fair, you’ll also need to look at customizing the workflows and processes that take place behind the scenes for the appropriate delivery of content and services to your attendees. For example, when someone registers for the event, what happens next? When someone that is registered for the virtual job fair and their resume meets all of the requirements for a position that is being offered within the fair, what happens next? 

This is where you’ll define interview scheduling flows, the process of making hiring decisions, and various other scenarios that could take place virtually within the job fair. You’ll probably need the help of a professional to ensure your software delivers the right user experience for each of your workflows. With a little tweaking and a lot of planning, you can really make this virtual job fair engaging and efficient.

Promote Your Virtual Job Fair 

promotional content

Finally, once you’ve set up the virtual fair and everything is in place, you’re ready to start promoting your event. As you learn how to create a virtual job fair, promotion is a major element and key to the success of your event. If you promote to the right people and in the right places, you’ll have a more productive event overall as more recruits will attend and the chances of hiring will be increased. Consider hiring a professional for this phase of the event as well. 

Promoting your virtual job fair includes things like:

● Production of teaser videos to share on social media.

● Production of event highlight reels to share in email outreach campaigns.

● The setup and configuration of email campaigns.

● Setup and configuration of promotional landing pages.

● Sharing event informational videos.

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to learn more about how to create a virtual job fair and what you can do to ensure the success of your big event!

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