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Mobile Video Production Equipment Reduces COVID Risks

Health and safety for the film production crew, and for your staff at the office is vital, now more than ever before. At Beverly Boy Productions, we’re always focusing on the steps we can take to minimize COVID transmission and keep our staff and crew, as well as you and your crew, safe. While we take pride in producing exceptional video content for your business, we realize that COVID risks have changed the way businesses approach film production. If you’re concerned about the health and safety of members inside your business, but you’re still interested in continuing your video production projects, consider mobile video production equipment which can be used on-site without a large film crew or major risks of COVID-19 transmissions between our team and yours.

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Virtual Filming Package

What is Mobile Video Production Equipment?

Mobile video production equipment represents a wide range of technology options that can be used to produce top quality film footage at your location. Sometimes mobile video production equipment is as simple as a moving cart and attached camera gear. Other times is as complex as multiple moving carts, several working camera systems, lighting, audio equipment, and the multiple crew members needed to operate all of this equipment. 

Right now, at Beverly Boy Productions, all mobile video production equipment consists of properly sterilized equipment that has been prepared for contactless operation between your staff or our crew from a remote location. We are working hard to focus most of our film production processes outside a studio, this way there is plenty of open air which, according to CDC guidelines, is the safety options for crew members, talent, and members of your team.

How Mobile Video Production Equipment Maintains Health Risks

Mobile video production equipment has been sterilized prior to the equipment being delivered for use. High touch surfaces are cleaned before each use and after. We encourage you to also clean any high touch surfaces involved in the operation of the mobile video production equipment that is necessary for your film project.

surviving covid 19

Crew members are able to operate mobile video production equipment from a remote location. Rather than have several film crew members in a confined area, Beverly Boy Production crews are able to operate your mobile video production equipment from a remote location outside your office. Using bluetooth technology and other forms of equipment connection protocols, our team can tilt, shift, focus, or zoom camera equipment to necessary settings without ever coming into contact with the unit. Additionally, mobile video production equipment that is monitored and operated remotely means there is no face-to-face contact between our crew and your talent — further limiting the risk of COVID transmission.

If mobile video production equipment sounds like the safe, filming alternative that’s ideal for your business, call Beverly Boy Productions today.