5 Insider Tips on Choosing a Video Production Studio in Boston

Working with a production studio to produce video content for your Boston business is certainly something that will require focus and research. Taking the time to evaluate your own video marketing needs and how each video production studio in Boston is potentially poised to assist you in fulfilling those needs is the first major step. At Beverly Boy Productions, we recommend you begin the process internally. Here are our 5 insider tips on choosing a video production studio in Boston.

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The creative brief represents a summary of your video project and includes details such as:

Who your target audience is.

– What kind of video you want to create (corporate video, explainer video, marketing video, etc).

– An overview of your company.

– The timeline that you expect the project to be completed within.

– The budget that you have to work with.

Next, follow these tips to ensure you make the right choice in a vendor to work with on the remainder of the production process.

1. Seek Recommendations from Trusted Sources

Do you know other Boston business owners that are succeeding with video marketing already? What about others in your own industry that you network with, and that are using video successfully?

Seeking out potential video production studios in Boston that other trusted sources are already working with is a great starting point for you to find a studio that might be right for your project. Don’t count on this, but definitely think of it as a unique entry point to consider.

2. Check Local Resources & Reviews

Google is your friend! So is the local film commission. Check these local resources for reviews on any local video production studio in Boston that you’re considering for a project. Google can help you to identify a list of local vendors that produce the type of content you’re looking for.

Simply search, “Corporate video production studio in Boston” or “Explainer video production in Boston” to find local studios and then check their reviews for more information.

Keep in mind, Google reviews may not always be sincere or legit. Google does work hard to reduce fake reviews, but they are far from perfect! Always seek additional information and don’t make a decision based solely on positive online reviews.

3. Talk with Each Production Studio

Getting in touch with the various production studios on your list and having a conversation about your project is important. While you don’t necessarily have to set up a face-to-face meeting at this point, it is important to have a conversation with a project manager or individual in charge at the studio so that you can get some basic questions answered and to find out if the studio would fall within your budget.

This is also your chance to get an idea of how they communicate and whether you feel comfortable with them.

Ask them about their staff, how the project will be managed, what type of projects they are most familiar with, how their revision process works, and what ideas they have for your project. You can also answer any questions they may have for you about the project.

4. Ask for Written Proposals

Upon speaking with several area studios, you should ask for written proposals from those that you are most interested in working with. Because a project proposal takes time and consideration for the studio, make sure you only request proposals from those you are most likely to consider further for your project.

As a courtesy, after you accept a proposal and begin your project, you should let the other studios know that you’ve made your decision – this way they aren’t waiting for you or otherwise missing out on other opportunities in the process.

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5. Review Proposals

You’ve got your proposals, and you’ve had some time to review them. It’s time to choose a video production studio in Boston so that you can move forward with your video project.

You should perform another round of follow-up calls with the top contenders on your list to discuss the proposals that you received and to get any additional questions answered before you decide.

Finalize Production Plan

Once you’ve chosen a video production studio in Boston, finalizing your production plan and getting started with the project is the next big step. Throughout the process, you’ll know you’ve made the right decision because you took your time, did your research, and planned ahead!

Want to hire a video production studio in Boston that provides full-service filmmaking for business owners throughout Massachusetts? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!