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5 Creative Video Production Services

When you hire a video production company you’re not just hiring someone to handle the cameras and editing of your video. Creative video production services are essential for you production needs! There are tons of concepts and processes that go into producing top quality video content for your website, blog, social media or a television commercial.


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In fact, many of the creative video production services offered by top production companies are often overlooked by the consumer.

If you’re not familiar with the steps, or the processes, required to produce video content, consider these 5 creative video production services that you really cannot afford to overlook.

#1. Concept Development

Virtual Event Video Production

Early in the stages of producing your video, long before there is any footage captured on camera, a concept is developed. Now, you might develop the concept on your own, and if so, that’s okay!

However, more often than not, a business or brand gets in touch with a video production company and says “I need a video that’s 1 minute long and promotes XYZ.”

There is very little concept at this stage, and the business or brand gives very little to go on…the concept development is one of many creative video production services expected to be hammered out by the professional.

The Process

Concept development is the process of taking a very basic idea, or a basic need, and turning into a full-fledged marketing plan complete with action steps, deadlines, and goals.

The concept development for a video will generally include a very tight deadline and a list of the appropriate tasks necessary for completion in order for the concept to be of general working capacity.

Full concept development may include everything from the marketing and advertising plan to the color scheme, emotional outlook, and deadline for production amongst other things.

#2. Script Writing

Camera crew

Script writing is another creative video production service that you can’t simply overlook. Creative video production services, like script writing, require professionals to engage in interviews with your business or brand to get to know your market.

They must also research to fully understand what it is they are working with. A professional script writer will help you to get your message across in a way that is engaging, interesting, and effective.

If you’re consider between the various creative video production services and not sure which to choose from or you’re working with a strict budget and have to choose only certain professionals to assist with your work, a script writer may be something to consider.

Engages Your Audience 

Script writers can efficiently deliver your message in a way that will work with the video content that you’re creating while remaining well within the interest of the audience. Think about a script writer the way you would an author.

Anyone can write a few sentences and call it a book, but that hardly means that everyone will engage with and appreciate your “book.” The same is true with a video.

Anyone can write a script for a video, but very few can produce an engaging, satisfying script that truly delivers your message in a way that will connect with your audience. This is one of several creative video production services that’s worth it!

#3. Talent Acquisition & Casting

Omaha Camera Crew Cost

The right talent can really make your brand stand out. The wrong talent—can make your brand stand out too—in all the wrong ways!

Considering creative video production not only gives you a large pool of talent to work with and choose from, but it also allows your talent to work with so many more talented crew members than if you were to search talent on your own.

#4. Location Scouting

Camera Crew

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Location scouts are more than just people that travel around and find a place for your shoot to take place. They can visualize the shoot and the actions that must occur in the location.

They understand the importance of quiet, no interruptions, ease of access for crew and other valuable elements involved in a great location.

When you pay for creative video production services, one of the more creative and undervalued services that you may pay for is location scouting. Not just anyone can be a location scout. Not just an avid traveler or someone who visits a lot of places locally.

That’s because what works and looks great to the human eye does not always work or look great on camera. A location scout will recognize the visual balance of a location or the lack thereof. But they’ll also notice the outside noise.

Location Matters

Something as simple as an air conditioner kicking on in the background or water dripping periodically can throw the sound off for an entire production.

But a location scout will notice this in advance and your crew can prepare accordingly or the location will be nixed and another, better, more suitable location will be chosen for the shoot.

Beyond Locations

But location scouts are more than just someone that can recognize potential outside interruptions in filming.

They can visually image the scenes of your film ahead of time, and they can deliver engaging information to your crew to help everyone prepare and get in place for the production to take place.

Of all the creative video production services, location scouting is probably one that people have the most trouble understanding fully just because location scouts are underrepresented in the industry.

They are certainly a must if you want to capture exceptional sound, video, and graphics from the location that you choose.

#5. Video Marketing

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 335

Marketing and promotion of video content is a recognized creative service but it’s one that is often overlooked when hiring a professional video production crew.

Creative video production services like marketing are often left to someone in-house, and that can work, but why not get the full benefit of working with professionals that optimize videos and actively produce video marketing strategies on a daily basis?

If you’re able to work closely with your video production company, and help them to fully understand your target audience, there’s a good chance that the creative video production services offered by their marketing crew will be well worth the effort.

Effective Marketing

Discuss your existing marketing strategy with the company and any goals that you have for your content. Let their marketing team do the rest!

This will give a fresh take on your marketing and the opportunity for your video to take a direction slightly different than what it may if you oversee the entire marketing process.

Video Production Camera

Creative video production services are vital to the success of your video content. Ideally, you should be communicating your marketing needs early on in the video production process starting with concept development.

This way creative video production services can be carried out throughout the entire pre-production planning, production shooting, and post-production editing and marketing processes.

Ready to hire the pros? Beverly Boy Productions specializes in creative video production services that range from concept development to marketing and advertising. We can’t wait to serve you!