Video Production Help: Quick Tips for Filming & Editing Videos

Producing video content is a big deal! More than 80% of content consumed online is in the form of video and that number is expected to continue to gain traction and grow in the coming years. If you’re looking for video production help, or trying to weed through the information that’s available online, you might find it challenging. Not that there’s a lack of information, but more that there’s so much information at your fingertips there can be some struggle when it comes to finding what’s right.

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We’ve put together these video production help tips and tricks to assist you in sorting through the noise that is found online. Nothing but solid evidence and strong examples here. For more information, give Beverly Boy Productions a call.

Pre-Production Filming Tips

The best video production help we can offer is in the form of pre-production planning. Do NOT rush the pre-production process! This is the time to plan, focus, and work diligently on the goals of your production.

In pre-production you’ll spend a lot of your time outlining:

-The goals and purpose of the film.

-The budget and expenses.

-The storyline and plot.

-The key characters and talent needed.

-The style and tone of the film.

-The scenes, shots, and actions taking place on camera.

-The script and storyboard.

The more time you spend planning now, the more success you will have later. Agile planning isn’t always best for video production.

In fact, you’re best off planning and taking your tie to ensure you’re hitting all the important video production marks now so that you can save yourself time and money in production later on.

BBP camera crew filming on location

Production Tips

As you progress through the steps and stages of pre-production, you’re likely to decide that you need to hire video production help for the next big task which is production. Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to get a film crew together that can shoot your footage with professionalism and care.

Producing quality video content will require essential gear, equipment, and a firm understanding of the production process. Scheduling and individual requirements involving film permits and location permitting is important to have in order prior to the day of the shoot.

Our best advice to you and the best video production help we can offer at this stage is to hire a producer and listen to the advice they provide each step of the way.

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Post-Production Tips

In post-production much of the time is spent editing your footage. If a shot needs to be captured again, your editing team will let you know and your producer will coordinate the shoot makeup.

Post-production editing involves the addition of music, sounds, and graphics to your footage. This is where your story comes together and the video starts to appear in a format that is more resembling a finished product.

The editor will first assemble the rough cut. This is where all the clips are imported and a rough draft of your video is produced. Editing a sequence may get complicated and messy, especially if you’re not a video editing professional.

If you haven’t hired video production help yet, you may consider doing so when you see all the different shots, scenes, and clips on your screen and begin to attempt to make sense of it all and sync it with music and other elements of your production.

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Our best video production help at this stage is:

-Avoid overdoing transitions.

-Use effects, but keep it minimal.

-Choose music carefully and make sure that you have the appropriate rights.

-License music accordingly.

-Avoid the idea of fixing things in post-production, that’s a costly mistake that will catch up with you.

Ready to hire a professional to provide video production help for your project? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!