7 Types of Video Marketing Media Production Companies in Boston, Massachusetts can Deliver

We’ve moved past a point where video content is something that some businesses do and others don’t. Sure, some businesses still don’t use video for their marketing, but it’s very few businesses that have not jumped on the video bandwagon. In fact, it’s estimated that 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, but what kinds of marketing videos? According to media production companies in Boston, Massachusetts that are responsible for producing marketing videos for area businesses, these are 7 of the most common types of videos being created to market local businesses and brands.

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1. Branded Commercials

Media production companies in Boston, Massachusetts, like Beverly Boy Productions, specialize in producing a variety of videos for marketing campaigns.

Branded commercials, such as those we see in the Super Bowl each year, can help businesses boost awareness among potential audiences and build recognition for their brand.

But, don’t let the Super Bowl reference fool you, branded commercials can be short advertisements for social media, YouTube, landing pages or various other distribution points — they don’t have to be expensive TV ads.

2. Educational Videos

Instructional videos or educational content is another very common form of video used for marketing Boston businesses.

Media production companies in Boston that produce educational videos to help brands market are focused primarily on building up niche authority and recognition in the industry.

These videos are ideal for growing your audience, improving audience understanding of the solutions offered by your brand, and helping customers to retain information that is otherwise difficult to recall.

3. Branded Social Media Videos

Team Beverly Boy in office

Social media marketing campaigns represent some of the fastest growing forms of marketing for small businesses in Boston as well as worldwide.

Marketing on social media is typically more affordable than other distribution options and, for brands trying to reach the younger generations, promoting your business on social media can be highly effective.

Branded videos on social media may include things like niche authority content, project demos, testimonials, an a mix of other forms of content.

4. Product Demonstrations

Media production companies in Boston, Massachusetts frequently support the marketing of new products by helping businesses to create production demonstrations which show off features, benefits, and special circumstances of the products offered for sale.

These short, powerful marketing videos can be used on the product pages of a website, in a landing page, or even in email campaigns to boost sales.

5. Company Culture Videos

Team Beverly Boy

Building trust and recognition of the business is sometimes all you need to boost sales, that’s why many production companies focus on helping Boston business owners to improve their reputation by sharing details about their corporate culture with the world.

Company culture videos show the consumer who’s behind the products they buy and what it’s like to be a part of the business. (Tip: Put your best employees on camera for this one!)

6. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

These marketing videos represent powerful insight for customers and prospective customers into what it’s like to work for the company “behind-the-scenes.”

So many Boston businesses have amazing history to share and such strong values in the everyday work that they perform. Getting their story, and the behind-the-scenes look at how their morals play into everything that they do as a business is an excellent opportunity to develop a strong reputation and trust for your brand.

7. Testimonial Videos

One of the most affordable, easy to produce, and widely respected types of marketing videos that media production companies in Boston, Massachusetts create on a regular basis, testimonial videos are essentially something every business should incorporate into their marketing campaigns.

In fact, if you don’t already have testimonials — You should start here with video! Every business should have testimonial videos that they can share on landing pages, in email campaigns, and on their website to boost trust. You just can’t go wrong!