How Do You Get Permission to Film Around New York City?

Filming in the Big Apple is something that many aspiring filmmakers and cinematographers seek to do. Once you’ve got your story, your script is ready to go, you’ve hired a crew, and you know just the right location right in the heart of New York City that you want to film in. There’s only one thing holding you back — permission! But, how do you get permission to film around New York City? And, more importantly, is permission even required?

That permission is called a film permit, and in New York City, film permits are required for most professional film shoots. So, since it’s a common process, figuring out how to get permission to film in the city is a relatively common task for filmmakers. Here’s what you’ve got to do.


Decide Whether a Film Permit is Needed

Not all filming requires a permit in NYC. So, your first order of operations is to determine whether you need a film permit to shoot or not. Since permits are necessary for a multitude of shoot situations, it’s probably easier for us to dictate when a film permit is NOT required.


You do not need a film permit in New York City if:

You’re shooting a small production that uses a handheld camera or a camera on a tripod, uses handheld props and equipment, and does not require exclusive use of City property as long as it doesn’t involve prop weapons, vehicles and stunts, actors in police uniform, or require parking privileges for production vehicles.

Essentially, this means that you’re going to need a film permit most of the time! However, in certain situations, a film permit is optional.


Consider Your Project Needs

Optional film permits are available for the same kind of productions that were previously listed as long as prop weapons, vehicles, police uniforms or stunts are not involved. These optional film permits have no application fee.

Productions that use more than handheld gear, include the use of cranes, robots, vehicle-mounted cameras, stunts, prop weapons, police uniforms, or which require parking privileges all require a film permit. Essentially, if your production could disrupt the life of those in the city, in any capacity, you’re probably going to need a permit.


Additional Permitting Requirements for Special Locations

In addition to obtaining a film permit for standard NYC locations, certain locations throughout the city will have additional permitting requirements.

For example, the NYC Parks and Recreation department provides permits for city parks.  If you’re shooting in a park, on a city bridge, subway, tunnel, or within the interiors of city buildings, be prepared to seek additional permitting and make sure you provide yourself additional time to do so.

More information may be obtained from the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services.


Applying for a Film Permit

When you ask, “how do you get permission to film around New York City,” the question is really, “how do you apply for a film permit” because that’s your permission to film. Fortunately, applying for a film permit in New York City is relatively simple.

Most film permits can be issued within 48 hours, but larger productions that require additional police presence or community support as well as situations such as community health restrictions like COVID could cause delayed processing.

Apply for your permit early whenever possible so that you (and the city permitting office) do not feel rushed.

The Office of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting provides film and television permits for shoots taking place anywhere within the five boroughs of New York City. This makes the process of applying for, and following up with, film permits in NYC quick and easy as there’s a single location for information and answers.


Special Considerations

Another consideration when you ask, “How do you get permission to film around New York City?” is whether any special considerations will be required before your film permit can be approved.

Knowing whether you’ll need extra parking, whether your shoot will involve special circumstances such as pyrotechnics or child performers, or if special requests such as changing out a street sign or moving a lamppost will be made is important as this can delay the approval of your film permit. Keep this in mind when applying.


Notifications Before the Shoot

The last step to obtaining permission to film around New York City is all about courtesy to those in the neighborhood where your film shoot will take place. Once you’ve received your film permit, notifying the neighborhood of your shoot is required.

Providing proper notification to the residential property owners, or area business owners, of your intent to shoot in the area and the limited disruptions that your shoot will cause to parking and otherwise, is important. You should notify those indirectly involved 48 hours before the shoot takes place.


Taking Action

So, when you ask the question, “how do you get permission to film around New York City?” the best answer involves a multi-step process in which you decide whether a film permit is required, apply for a film permit, and upon receiving the permit, you take action to notify the neighborhood residents or businesses of your intent to keep the peace.

Doing this will lead you to safe, legal, film productions throughout NYC.