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How to Use Commercial Cleaning Training Videos to Teach Your Crew to Clean

Cleaning companies have a very high turnover rate which averages around 200%. This means, as a commercial cleaning company owner, you’ll be training new employees on a rolling basis. As one employee leaves, the newly hired employees will need training immediately in order to get started and to prevent your business from falling behind with its cleaning accounts.  Commercial cleaning training videos can help you teach your crew to clean without negatively impacting your bottom line.

If you’re having trouble getting your cleaning crew to understand exactly what is expected of them, or you’re finding yourself spending more time training new hires than you do getting everyday operations handled, video can help! Commercial cleaning training videos are an excellent addition to your existing onboarding and training routines. In fact, you can use commercial cleaning training videos to teach your crew how to clean exactly the way you want the work done and, since video has a high overall retention rate, your newly hired employees will be sure to recall what they learn when they’re on the job.

Of course, we can understand why you might be hesitant to spend anything “extra” on training when you struggle with such a high turnover rate. Of course you would want to be cautious about overspending on hiring & training when you know there’s a considerable risk that the employees you invest all these resources in will likely be gone real soon. But you can’t NOT train your employees, so since training is a must, you might as well make the best of it!

woman working in environmental services

Why Video is the Best Training Tool for Commercial Cleaners  

There are several reasons why video is the best training tool for commercial cleaners. Whether you’re training cleaners that are newly hired, or you’ve got existing cleaners on your crew that need a refresher course, video is a fully customizable, flexible, and easy to access training tool that you can use throughout your onboarding and day-to-day training initiatives. The benefits of videos for training employees in the commercial cleaning industry include:

  • Video saves the business money. You can create one series of training videos and use them over and over again no matter how many new employees you hire onto your cleaning crew.
  • Video saves the business owner time. You can start training new employees immediately without any interruption in your existing schedule. Simply refer them to the video series to get their training underway. 
  • Video is flexible and accessible. Employees can begin training right away, from a remote location, anywhere, anytime, any day, just as long as they have internet access.
  • Videos are engaging and easy to follow. Even if you’re training on complex situations that might be difficult to understand with lecture alone, video can make for a positive outcome for your crew.
  • Videos increase overall information retention. Employees can watch training videos and will later recall most of that they learned whereas the typical in-person training session results in 65% of information being forgotten after the first week!

Of course you might have other benefits to using commercial cleaning training videos to train your crew that are directly based on your individual needs, but these are some that we tend to see across many organizations or businesses and even across various industries that have incorporated video training into their existing training programs.


How to Use Commercial Cleaning Training Videos to Train Your Team

If you’re not sure where to start or how you can use commercial cleaning training videos to train your team, you’re certainly not alone! Fortunately, there are many different ways that you can get started with training videos to improve the overall understanding among your team and increase the teams’ success. 

Consider the following tips to put commercial cleaning training videos to use for training your cleaning crew:

  • Make training videos available on-demand, through a mobile device. This way employees can access training ahead of a particular cleaning contract should a refresher course be necessary. 
  • Be sure to keep your commercial cleaning training videos short & to the point. An employee should be able to complete a training video in about 5 minutes or less. 
  • Use video in onboarding to quickly bring employees up to speed and prepare them for their positions on your cleaning crew. Video can be used to instill routines, stronger relationships, and safety standards ahead of entering a property to clean.
  • Use video to train on health and safety standards, to provide direct training on proper cleaning strategies and routines, and to train on customer service, relationships, and soft skills.
  • Use video for ongoing development of your staff. Commercial cleaning training videos can help your staff rise to the occasion when new tasks or job roles open up.
  • Use interactive videos to provide your employees with scenarios-based cleaning initiatives, to give them an immersive 360° view into a typical cleaning job, to provide links or hotspots that complement their training or to provide quizzes that reinforce training on various subjects.

When you use commercial cleaning training videos to teach your crew how to clean, you can go about your day knowing full well that you’ve provided the proper skills training and support that your employees need for success. Turnover might be high, but your training doesn’t have to suffer as a result! Training videos save money & resources, while providing your cleaning crew with exactly what they need to get the job done!