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8 Reasons to Incorporate Automotive Training Videos into Your Onboarding

The automotive industry is ever-changing and rapidly growing to include more than just your standard muscle cars, grocery getters, trucks and SUVs. Today, the automotive industry includes hybrid models, electric cars, and even autonomous vehicles! If you’re the owner of an automotive shop or dealership, you know how important training your team is. It’s essential! Especially if you’re going to have a team that can handle everything from automotive sales to warranty repairs, to factory required maintenance. Incorporating automotive training videos into your onboarding can help!

Automotive training videos are an amazing tool that will save your team time while providing quality training that’s essential to their success. In fact, there are plenty of reasons to incorporate automotive training videos into your onboarding to ensure the success of your team and your business. We’ve listed 8 of them below.

video marketing for car dealer

  1. A Cost Effective Training Solution

If you’re looking for the most cost effective opportunity to train your staff, even in an industry with a 46% turnover rate where training is required with each new hire that enters the team, video is certainly the way to go! Not only do training videos represent a highly beneficial form of training they are efficient and cost-effective, too. Your team can watch and re-watch the training over and over. Something like that simply wouldn’t be possible with in-person training, and since a single training video will have 1 production cost despite repetitive use, we think this is probably one of the most cost effective options there is to provide essential training for your auto shop.

  1. A Relatively New Training Solution

They’re not exactly new, as dealerships and shop owners have been turning to video to fill certain training needs for quite some time, but there are so may advances to the technology that is used during the production of automotive training videos that they’ll seem new to your team and more engaging! Rather than reading a textbook or listening to a lecture, training videos provide an audio visual connection for your team.

Video Camera

  1. An Improved Learner Experience

The use of automotive training videos to provide essential skills training for your team will also create an improved learning experience for your team.  With video, your team gets cutting-edge visuals and amazing interactive technology that is conducive to a wide range of learning styles and an important learner experience. In fact, studies have proven that there is limited effectiveness to the type of training that takes place one time, face-to-face followed by months or even years in which there is no further training. Most will only retain about 30% of what they learn when training is delivered in this way versus amazing improvements in knowledge outcomes for those engaged with video training.

  1. Bite-Sized Micro-Learning Experiences Further Improve Knowledge Retention

While video alone plays a key role in improved knowledge retention over in-person training in large groups for prolonged time periods or the use of a textbook for training, there is even further improvement in knowledge retention among those who engage in bite-sized, micro-learning experiences. Automotive training videos that are about 5 minutes or less long represent the best opportunity to provide this type of learning experience.

car dealership marketing videos

  1. Easily Track Engagement & Monitor Team Progress

With automotive training videos, show owners, managers, and those in charge of training can easily track employee engagement and monitor team progress for success.  With so much weighing on compliance and on training in general, being able to easily track the engagement of your team and their involvement in training is essential! With video-based training, management can easily monitor the team and visually see who’s made progress with training, who might need additional training, and various other metrics.

  1. Substantial Cost-Savings Over Other Training Programs

The decision to incorporate automotive training videos into your onboarding programs can have huge cost-savings over other training programs that you may be considering or which you may have previously employed. Some larger businesses have reported saving millions by simply shifting their in-person training events to on-demand video training programs. What you don’t save initially or upfront in real dollars will be saved long term in the form of increased productivity or the lack of any loss in productivity to those providing the training as well as to the members of the team that are just now getting started in their training.

  1. Always Available, On-Demand Training Access

Automotive training videos allow you to create a training and onboarding program for your team that is always available. Regardless of where your employees are, or whether you operate multiple locations and require training across your business, video training is available always! Flexible, and easy to access training videos allow your team to engage in training anytime day or night, any day weekends and holidays included, and from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection.

  1. Sophisticated Training for Today’s Automotive Industry 

Are you going to show your employees you mean business? Or are you going to fall behind in the shadows of your competition? Today’s team members are looking for training that meets their needs and that works best for them! Automotive training videos provide sophisticated, interactive training modules that are equal parts impressive and inviting. Because practice doesn’t make perfect just in theory – this is how things work in real life!