Top Services Provided by a Live Streaming Event Company

Boosting engagement and providing your prospective customers or clients with an opportunity to interact with your brand can have considerable benefits for your business. If you’re thinking about how you can incorporate live streaming into your existing marketing and media campaigns, learning about the various ways that a live streaming event company like Team Beverly Boy can help you create memorable moments for your audience is important.

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Live streaming video can help you connect with your audience and increase engagement for your business. Whether you’re entirely new to the idea of hiring a live streaming event company, or it’s something you’ve been considering for quite some time – this is your chance to shine for your audience.

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to learn more about our live streaming services and the benefits event streaming can have for your business.

Checkout these ways that you can use live streaming in your business:

Standalone Live Stream Events

camera crew setting up interview

The standalone or single video live stream event is ideal for businesses that are interested in producing a one-time live stream event that will showcase a particular element of their brand or business. Events like this can include:

– Product announcements

– Individual keynote speakers

– Breakout sessions

– Post-even recaps

Live Stream Event Series

camera crew - The martini shot

The event series represents a unique opportunity for business owners to create a series of content that is hosted in a single location where event attendees can engage in the programming on a scheduled basis and reference archived events from previous programs on-demand. A live streaming event company can assist you with the production of live video series which are ideal for:

– Ongoing breakout sessions

– Customer training sessions

– Employee training sessions

– Certification sessions

– Event highlights

Live Streamed Virtual Events

Beverly Boy Crew live streaming

The result of creating an immersive event experience that allows your audience to interact with your business in many of the same ways that would result from an in-person event, live streamed virtual events can emulate physical conferences without the overhead.

A virtual event may have unique conference spaces or “rooms” complete with unique sponsorship opportunities and pre-programmed sessions that feature targeted client engagement activities. Events like this may include:

– Live conferences

– Interactive virtual trade shows

– Virtual training Sessions

If any of these types of live stream events sound like something that you might want to try for your business, hiring a live streaming event company like Beverly Boy Productions may be the most suitable option for you. Give us a call to learn more about producing a live stream event that will engage your audience and maximize reach for your brand!