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5 Statistically Backed Reasons to Hire a Live Stream Event Service

Live streaming is an incredibly popular form of broadcasting that allows businesses to reach remote audiences via the internet to deliver real-time interactions with those interested in their brands. Live streaming events have become more popular throughout the world following abrupt changes in the economy in 2020 as a result of COVID-19. If you’re thinking about live streaming events for your remote audiences but you’re not quite sure if hiring a live stream event service is really necessary, you’ve come to the right place!

quarantine livestream

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Beverly Boy Productions provides live stream event services for clients throughout the United States as well as worldwide. We believe there are many great reasons to consider hiring a professional live stream event service for your business, but since we might be biased, we’ve put together 5 reasons for you to consider hiring a live stream event service and they’re all backed up by statistics — because statistics don’t lie!

1. Live Video is Watched 10-20 Times Longer than On-Demand Content

If you’ve got a message that you want to deliver and it’s a little bit longer than the average message, live streaming it is the best solution.

Hiring a live stream event service to assist you in delivering your message to your audience will help you to keep your viewers engaged and interested for up to 20 times longer than if you were to simply share your message in a social media post or on your website.

2. 82% of Consumer Would Rather See Live Stream than a Social Post

If you thought that hosting your event in-person and then sharing details and updates on the event with your remote audience members via traditional social media posts was going to be a winning technique – you’re totally wrong!

Not only do most consumers prefer to see businesses and brands on live streams, they are more interested in watching live video than they are in seeing social posts and blog posts, too.

3. Slow Start-Up of Online Videos Result in Significantly Higher Abandonment Rates

If you’re thinking about hosting a live stream event, and you haven’t considered the steps that you should take to ensure that your videos start quickly and that your audience can immediately begin to engage with you — you’re taking a huge risk.

Even a two-second delay in start-up of your video feed could result in incredibly higher abandonment rates with each additional second of delay causing another 6% of viewers to abandon the stream.

A live stream event service can solve this problem for you by ensuring fast streams and easy access for your audience.

4. Live Video Campaigns Boost Engagement By As Much as Twice as Much

Hosting a live event that includes video streaming for your audience can quickly lead to increased engagement for your brand. In fact, hiring a live stream event service to help you host your stream and capture audience insights at this pivotal time where your audience is most likely to engage and interact can be incredibly valuable to your business.

Consider talking with your production crew about the steps you can take during the stream to collect audience insights through polls, surveys, and various other forms of interactive content.

5. 67% of Live Event Viewers are Likely to Purchase a Ticket to a Future Event

What’s the best way to encourage stronger attendance to your live events? Share them with as many people as you can! Statistically, hiring a live stream event service to help you share your event with your worldwide audience now can result in higher traffic to events that you host in the future, too.

This is because 67% of people that watch a live event will consider purchasing a ticket to a future live event that is similar. Thus, the work you do now to ensure your audience can interact and engage with your live events can pay off both now, and in the future, for your brand.

Can you afford not to give it a try?