6 Reasons to Produce Testimonial Videos for Your Business 

Great testimonials are a way for your business to share consumer appreciation for your products and services with your audience. All businesses should have testimonial videos and product reviews available for consumers to engage with and watch. In fact, there are many reasons to produce testimonial videos for your business. We’ve outlined 5 reasons to produce testimonial videos for your brand so that you can show consumers how much everyone loves your company just like you do!

1. Social Proof For Your Business 

Testimonials represent your business in a way that no standard marketing content could. It’s social proof, or actually consumer proof, that your brand is respected, valued and appreciated by consumers.

If you’re not producing testimonial videos for your business, you’re not sharing this social proof of how grand your brand is with others — and you could be missing out.

Let others share their thoughts, consider a product or service spotlight. Further, consumers naturally trust testimonial video more than they do standard marketing content.

2. Conversions 

What business can’t use more conversions? If you’re shaking your head, thinking “nah, I don’t need more conversions,” then you’re one of the VERY FEW ever anywhere that would say that.

Most businesses are always looking for ways to improve their brand experience and producing testimonial videos seems to represent a way that brands can boost conversions — quickly and mostly with ease. 

As you focus on converting more consumers with video, keep in mind that testimonial videos are a great way for you to help consumers remember your brand.

If nothing else, allow the research that is done to showcase your testimonial content to consumers to drive sales, calls, newsletter sign-ups or whatever other form of lead your company focuses  on.

3. Emotional Connections 

People connect with people — not brands! You’ll build emotional connections with people IF you allow them to connect with your business by participating in testimonial videos.

Ask consumers for their input and, for those who are new to your business, don’t be afraid of using customer testimonial videos to share your brand story. From the moment your audience sees the emotional connection that you delve into, they will feel more like they can trust you.

Customer testimonial videos, and client testimonials represent a unique way for brands to emotionally interact with those who matter most to your business.

4. Larger Audience 

watching lead generation video on laptop

Got a customer testimonial that is written? Only a small, select group of consumers will read written testimonials anymore. As we shift to video, and digital views, so to do consumers and their need to digest content is similar but the focus is on videos.

Video testimonials can be shared on your website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and just anyone anywhere. These testimonials are seen by a significantly larger audience.

Studies estimate that 4X as many people are engaging in video content and prefer to see a video about a project rather than read about it. The same goes for testimonial videos. Consumers are more likely to watch video proof than they are to read it!

5. Significant Share Value

Video gets shared more frequently than written content at least 2:1. Producing testimonial videos for your business is a great way to boost the frequency of those testimonials being shared.

Post testimonials on your website, blog and other platforms and then simply ask consumers to share — you’ll be surprised by how many people will share your testimonials just because you asked — and because they genuinely believe in your brand.

6. An Impressive ROI 

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Did you know that video testimonials have been proven to deliver one of the highest total ROIs for a business or brand? While this should certainly be enough reason to choose testimonials for your business, we realize each situation is different.

Video testimonials, and videos of all sorts, boost consumer retention, keep them on your site longer, and promote interaction between your brand and your audience. All of these factors can result in higher traffic on the website, fewer bounces away from the website, and an overall higher rate of website interaction when compared to a site that does not include testimonial videos.

Ready to get started and produce testimonial videos for your business? Call Beverly Boy Productions today! We’ll immediately help you start producing top quality testimonial videos for your brand.