What are Pastiche Actions in Film with Examples
Some of the most notable filmmakers, particularly Directors that engage in the production oversight and general artistic direction of films worldwide, will admit that they steal for a living. Well, maybe not exactly, but when it comes to the use of pastiche actions in film, many directors steal ideas from previous filmmakers, and they do […]
What is Disjunctive Editing in Film?
When editing a film there are different styles that film editors can use in order to create the desired outcomes. Generally speaking, continuity editing and discontinuity editing or disjunctive editing are the two primary editing styles used by filmmakers in order to achieve the desired finished outcomes with film and video. However, we frequently see continuity editing […]
What is Phenomenology in Film?
What is Phenomenology in Film? Film theorists have a variety of different viewpoints on the study of and interpretation of film, media and the arts. One such theorist, Vivian Sobchack, would become to be known as one of the most influential American film theorists of her time when, during the 1990s, she would become the […]
How to Use Syuzhet in Screenwriting
How to Use Syuzhet in Screenwriting Before writing a screenplay, the writer will typically formulate a plan. The plan is an outline of events that includes the individual timeline. Upon which each of the key events of the story takes place. The writer is going to outline these events in chronological order, from beginning to […]
A Simple Guide to Queer Theory in Film & Cinema
A Simple Guide to Queer Theory in Film & Cinema Emerging in the early 1990s across several Western countries including the U.S., U.K., and Europe, Queer theory and the rhetorical study of topics. Which reflect on the media’s perception and perpetration of sexual binaries and gender disposition, is relatively childish in the industry having been […]
What are the Different Types of Film Theory?
The study of formal film analysis is an important concept that any filmmaker or aspiring production should consider. However there are several different types of film theory for approaching the concept of film analysis and formal representation. These approaches allow the spectator to perform formal investigation of individual elements of sound, editing, cinematography and mise-en-scene […]
What is the Package Unit System in Film?
Throughout the history of filmmaking there have been a variety of different elements which have evolved to make the industry more efficient and effective. Think of the studio system as an early form of mass production of films. Which was actively engaged prior to 1950. But eventually the Package Unit System would be employed to […]
What is Saturation Booking in Film?
Almost certainly anyone that is a fan of the film industry and of seeing new movies hit the box office has encountered what appears to be saturation booking, all be it without realizing that’s what they’re seeing. Saturation booking, or the saturation release, occurs frequently in Hollywood and can be incredibly valuable for the film distributor. But […]
What is a Zoopraxinoscope & How Was it Used in Filmmaking?
The zoopraxinoscope is an early animation device that was created by English photographer Eadweard James Muybridge for the purpose of capturing the movement of animals. The term, “Zoo” + “Praxiscope” directly references the zoo, a common place for humans to visit and learn about animals of varied shapes, sizes, and genres. Zoopraxinoscope is a term […]
What is the Cinematic Movement Most Associated with Weimar Cinema?
What is the Cinematic Movement Most Associated with Weimar Cinema? Weimar cinema is part of post-war German film culture in which a variety of different films from a particular movement can be associated. Popularly described as German Expressionism, Weimar cinema delivered a host of films that utilized symbolism and imagery. In exchange for realism to […]