What is The Motion Vector Line in Film?

What is The Motion Vector Line in Film_

In filmmaking, the use of visual vectors represents a unique opportunity for editors to incorporate graphical vectors and motion vectors into the editing process. To provide visual cues to the audience which are used to connect the scenes in a film. The motion vector line in film, thus represents a line of continuity that is […]

What is the Best Type of Lavalier Mic for Filming?

What is the Best Type of Lavalier Mic for Filming_

Planning a film shoot requires a lot of careful consideration. Not just about the important shots and set elements to consider. But also equipment. Lavalier mics are incredibly important on set. Especially if you’re filming interviews, character dialogue, or really in any situation on set where you need crisp, clear audio and you don’t want […]

How to Film Stop Motion Like a Pro

How to Film Stop Motion Like a Pro

Stop motion animation represents a unique style of filmmaking. In which single camera frames are captured one-by-one to visually tell a story. The process involves filming people, live-action objects, and characters which are then edited into the final story. Early uses of stop motion, like Claymation, represent the beginning of a long era. In which […]

How to Pitch Roman A Clef

How to Pitch Roman A Clef

There’s a reason why some of the most loved classic books and acclaimed novels in literature are Roman a clef. A French term meaning “Novel with a key,” Roman a Clef represents a story about real life that is overlaid with a facade of fiction generally including fictitious names which represent real people and the […]

How to Film in a Soft Focus

How to Film in a Soft Focus

Filming in soft focus represents a technique that can be used to capture your subject in a dreamy, relaxed sort of way that is ideal for reducing contrast and adding a bit of a glow to your subject. The soft focus technique is most common in portrait photography, but it may also be used when […]

How Have Pyrotechnics and Sounds Changed Filming?

How Have Pyrotechnics and Sounds Changed Filming_

Whether it’s the explosion of a car, the combustion of a fire in a burning building, or the typical flash of fireworks seen overhead. The use of special effects including various pyrotechnics and sounds in filmmaking has actually been prominent throughout the 1900s. With a number of different techniques and tricks being used in filmmaking […]

What Roles Does a Second Unit Director of Photography Have on Set?

What Roles Does a Second Unit Director of Photography Have on Set?

The film set is an incredibly busy and powerfully efficient environment where time is money. Each individual on the set has their own roles and responsibilities. Which, together, form a highly effective and efficient work crew. The second unit director of photography represents the second camera crew for a large scale production. And actively engages […]

Understanding Vaudeville and Early Film Influences

Understanding Vaudeville and Early Film Influences

Did the movies kill vaudeville? Some believe that vaudeville and early film are so closely connected and influenced by one another that to state that film in any way negatively-influenced vaudeville would be absurd. Others believe that the introduction of films into the entertainment industry was actually what would go on to kill this form […]

How to Create a Shot List Document for an Organized & Efficient Production

How to Create a Shot List Document for an Organized & Efficient Production Planning out your shots in pre-production represents a vital step towards organization and efficiency when you do make your way to the set for production. By focusing some time in advance on the creation of a detailed, and organized, shot list that […]