What Is Private Film Equity?
What Is Private Film Equity? Financing a film is a big deal that requires a lot of patience. If you’re new to film production, you might not understand the different forms of private equity film financing that are available or even what private equity financing for film is. If you’re wondering, “What is private film […]
How to Copyright a Character from a Film
As a filmmaker, you’re bound to produce films that have exceptional characters within them. That draw the interest of the audience more so than any other element of the film. In fact, a fictional character within your film might be so profound. That an added need to protect its unique details, characteristics, and arcs becomes […]
Should I Copyright my Screenplay?
Should I Copyright my Screenplay? As a screenwriter, you probably spend countless hours at your desk, watching the cursor as it moves eloquently along the page, adding line after line of text. But it’s more than just text, you’re creating the lives of new characters, an entirely new world is being produced, just one word […]
Understanding the Completion Guarantee for Film
Understanding the Completion Guarantee for Film The completion guarantee for film is a unique promise that is made between the guarantor and the filmmaker that basically states that a film which is currently at some stage of production will actually be completed and delivered to a distributor within a specified time period. If you’ve never […]
How Can I Equity Crowdfund My First Film?
How Can I Equity Crowdfund my First Film? As an independent filmmaker, you’re really in the best time ever when it comes to raising capital that is needed in order to produce a feature film. Now more than ever before, there are more opportunities than there ever were to raise various forms of capital that […]
Commercial Filmmaker’s Guide to Kansas Statutes on Filming in Prison
Commercial Filmmaker’s Guide to Kansas Statutes on Filming in Prison Whether you’re a commercial filmmaker that lives in The Midwestern state of Kansas. And are considering a film shoot behind the bars of the state prison system. Or you’re planning from another area of the country. Filming inside a prison system guarantees that there will […]
Executing a Film Finder’s Fee Agreement in a Film Deal
Film financing and the raising of capital from investors is a major challenge that virtually all independent filmmakers face. Investors frequently express interest in engaging in deals that are likely to provide them with the level of potential risk. And return on their investment. That is ideal for their individual investment needs. This means they’ve […]
Is a Work Made For Hire Agreement for a Documentary Film Required?
Is a Work Made For Hire Agreement for a Documentary Film Required? Producing a film is a task that involves a lot of different working hands that get involved in various steps of the creative process. At each stage, it’s important for agreements to be made as to who will retain the copyright ownership of […]
Looking Beyond the Film Investor Letter of Intent to Something More Solid
Looking Beyond the Film Investor Letter of Intent to Something More Solid Whether you’re entirely new to filmmaking, or it’s something that you’ve been heavily involved in for some time. There’s almost certainly areas that you’re not as familiar with as others. In fact, we frequently hear newbie filmmakers talking about the steps they take […]
The Visual Artists Rights Act as it Applies to Film
The Visual Artists Rights Act as it Applies to Film Anytime copyrighted works are incorporated into a film project there is an extensive process. That takes place as the filmmaker seeks to maintain a clean chain of title. And to include all appropriate rights and permissions along the way. The Visual Artist Rights Act, one […]