5 Tips on Conducting Video Interviews for a Documentary

5 Tips on Conducting Video Interviews for a Documentary The process of conducting video interviews for a documentary requires some essential planning and preparation even for someone that has a background understanding of film and video production. For someone with limited experience or history in the industry, conducting video interviews for a documentary will require […]

5 Ways Documentary Film Production Companies in New York Can Help Your Business Grow

5 Ways Documentary Film Production Companies in New York Can Help Your Business Grow When most people think of documentary films they think of history, docu-series programs, and those long and drawn out re-enactments of times past. Rarely does someone think about corporate growth, and the use of a documentary film by a business owner […]

6 Types of Videos Produced by a Documentary Video Production Crew

6 Types of Videos Produced by a Documentary Video Production Crew  Documentary videos provide a history of outline of a particular process or point in time that others have an interest in. Around since the beginning of film cinema, documentary videos represent history and opportunity. Award winning documentary films continue to be produced to this […]

How Much Does a Documentary Film Cost?

How Much Does a Documentary Film Cost? Various factors influence the documentary film budget. Total length, filming location, and many other factors come into play which is why, when someone asks, “How much does a documentary film cost,” the best answer we have is, “it depends.” It does depend. It depends on the budget we […]

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Documentary FIlm Crew

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Documentary FIlm Crew A professional documentary film crew can be challenging to hire, especially if you’re not real sure what kind of crew you need or how many crew members will be best for the job. However, your decision to hire a professional documentary film crew can result in […]

Must-Have Documentary Film Equipment List

Must-Have Documentary Film Equipment List Are you preparing for a documentary shoot on location? If you’re planning a trip to a location outside your studio set to film a documentary, now is the time to prepare and make sure you’ve got everything you need for the production. We’ve put together this must-have documentary film equipment […]

Documentary Interview Filming Techniques

Documentary Interview Filming Techniques The interview portion of a documentary helps to further establish the importance and expertise of the subjects involved in your film, but without proper steps to film the interview in a way that it will engage and captivate the audience, you’re really at a loss. However, you can capture documentary interview […]

Top 5 Lenses for Documentary Filmmakers

Top 5 Lenses for Documentary Filmmakers Whether you’re on a tight budget or you have a nearly unlimited budget, there are documentary-style lenses for every budget production. We’re outlining the top 5 lenses for documentary filmmakers with a lens for every budget. Add at least one of these documentary film lenses to your documentary film […]