8 Traits to Look for in a Top New Orleans Cinematographer

Cinematographer is a competitive industry that certainly isn’t for everyone. Those who do best in the field of filmmaking tend to be outgoing, creative, and confident leaders. If you’re thinking about hiring a New Orleans cinematographer then it’s important to seek someone that has the creative vision and persistence of a professional of this stature.

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These are just a few of the top traits of a professional New Orleans cinematographer and the most important for you to consider before hiring someone for this position:

1. Persistence

When working the film set, there are a lot of things that can go wrong and you’re frequently working on a very strict schedule. Persistence is an important trait of a top New Orleans cinematographer because regardless of what happens on the set, the show must go on!

 2. Creativity

Cinematographers are responsible for establishing camera setups and shots for hundreds of scenes. They’ve got to have a creative eye and the ability to not only see their vision through but to help others understand what their creative vision is and how to deliver it on the set.

3. Confidence

Top professionals in this industry are confident. They know what they want and why and they’re able to exude this confidence to those around them building strength and synergy among the team. 

4. Leadership

These leaders must be confident in their ability to bring teams together to produce quality footage for the audience. The leadership skills of a top New Orleans cinematographer are not just important for the crew, but also for managing the overall success of the project.

5. Attention to Detail

BBP Cinematographer

Great cinematographers have a keep eye for detail. They can not only spot the need for some tiny detail or addition on the set from a mile away, they’ve also got a keen ability to come up with whatever is needed — they’re hard fast inventors. 

6. Technical 

Cinematographer is a demanding and extremely technical field to work in. In hiring a top New Orleans cinematographer you’re going to want to seek someone with strong technical skills and the ability to understand camera equipment, lighting, and various other technical needs on the set.

7. Stamina

Working conditions on the film set can be quite demanding at times with long hours and frequent days spent in the elements. The best cinematographers are physically fit and have the stamina and strength to work long days with multiple forms and types of equipment in extremely challenging situations.

8. Punctuality

Every top New Orleans cinematographer is a punctual leader. They’ve got to be on time, all the time — there’s no time for wasting time on the set!

This punctuality carries through not only in their day-to-day operations but also in their ability to time things like camera movements and shots on the set too.