How Much Does it Cost to Make a Webinar Video?

Webinars have a wide range of goals and potential opportunities depending on the presenter and the individual interested in the video. There’s the use of webinars to promote products and services, the use of webinars to influence referrals and the use of webinars to gain interest and views. While the use of webinar video to improve customer understanding or to train consumers or prospects on influential concepts is a huge trend, how much does it cost to make a webinar video? This question comes up frequently but the answer is rather vague. Webinars range from $100 to several thousand to produce.

Some businesses can get away with sharing a webinar with their audience for absolutely nothing — free. However, they are not likely to have well produced video, they likely lack audio control and the webinar value is subpar for the end audience. Likewise, if you’re putting a successful webinar on you’re probably investing in camera, lighting, technical equipment and various other needs.

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Equipment Costs

Manufacturing Training Video Production

Anyone considering a webinar needs to at least focus on securing the appropriate equipment to produce the webinar. This means you’ll need at least a laptop or potentially a computer with a quality camera as well as a microphone. Lack of a microphone will likely leave your viewers struggling to hear what you are saying and this is almost certain to leave people backing out or otherwise ignoring your webinar.

Basic equipment costs to host a webinar are as follows:

  • A laptop – you can spend as little as $500 or as much as several thousand.
  • A webcam – if your laptop has a camera, you spend nothing. But you could spend up to $100 or more.
  • A microphone – again, your laptop may have a built in mic but you could spend upwards of $150 or more otherwise.

Presentation Tools

A great webinar is going to include graphics, colorful designs, and the use of branding that you can use to help your audience stay connected and personally involved with you. Presentation tools that can be used to create the experience range from programs like Canva that provide a low-cost, subscription option to create presentations to the use of things like Keynote from Apple or the use of professional support which can come with an hourly cost.

Software Costs


Hosting a webinar will require that you either use a webinar hosting platform or that you incorporate this type of software support into your own website. You need a way for your presentation to be hosted, for your viewers to login and access it, and to interact. Many options are available to host webinars for your business. If you’re not sure what option is ideal for your needs, consider talking with your production crew about each option and the potential costs.

As you seek an answer to your question, “How much does it cost to make a webinar video?” be sure to consider the hosting costs involved with the software needed for webinars such as streaming software and equipment. 

Still wondering what it will cost to make a webinar video? The true cost of creating a webinar will depend on how intricate you want to be, whether you include a guest speaker, what type of graphics you add and how effective you expect your webinar to be at selling your products, services, or support. Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to learn more about the proposed webinar costs and what you can expect.

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