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What is an Explainer Product Video?

Explainer videos are short, powerful videos that have the potential to help your brand grow its target audience and generate conversions. As explainer videos become increasingly popular, many clients ask, “What is an explainer product video and is it something I need?” The short answer is, an explainer product video is a short-form video that explains your product in great detail, and if you wonder whether or not you need it, the answer is, “YES!”

What is an Explainer Product Video?

An explainer product video is a short-form video that explains your product in full-detail.  Sometimes referred to as a product demo, or just a product video, explainer product videos are an increasingly hot commodity as more and more internet users turn to video to learn more about the products they are interested in. 

An explainer product video can be animated, or live-action, depending on the complexity of the product and underlying needs of the business. They are often used to introduce products to potential audiences, but the use of explainer product video content doesn’t end at the top of the funnel. Further down, these videos can provide detailed explanations about your product’s unique features, benefits, and specific use cases.

The use of live-action explainer videos, as well as animated explainer video content, certainly has a place across just about any industry and vertical. From illustrating complex product processes, to showing off very specific product features, consumers are engaging with explainer product videos on an everyday, ongoing basis.

Where to Use Explainer Product Videos 

Explainer product videos are used in a variety of different cases throughout marketing and advertising of your products. They are great for use on landing pages, and have the power to increase conversions up to 80%. Explainer product videos are also ideal for use on your social media platforms and profiles, resulting in up to 1200% higher reach for your brand over the use of static image content. 

When explainer product videos are incorporated into email marketing campaigns, consumers are more likely to click on your email and read what you have to say. In fact, the use of explainer product videos in your email marketing can increase CTR by as much as 300% while generating overall higher email conversions and related sales. 

When clients ask use where or how they can use explainer product videos in their current marketing and advertising initiatives, we’re happy to tell them that there are a wide variety of uses for this style or type of content.

Explainer videos are great for use at the top of the funnel, as they are ideal for helping consumers to understand your products and how they work. However, these videos are also increasingly being used at the bottom of the funnel to provide very specific use cases and feature specific details that only a consumer that is very interested in purchasing would care about. In fact, we are increasingly finding that brands are using explainer video content throughout their marketing funnels to drive awareness, increase consumer confidence, and generate higher conversions in regards to product sales.

Key Benefits of Explainer Product Videos 

You might recognize them as video ads, but they go so much further than just advertising. In fact, explainer product videos have a host of potential benefits for the brand. Explainer videos help to:

  • Deliver information about your products to the target audience.
  • Provide virtual explanations of your products and their uses across various platforms.
  • Increase ROI versus other forms of content.
  • Improve search engine rankings, especially on product pages.
  • Deliver key points and features about your product in easy to digest format.
  • Explain complex product concepts in easy to understand terms.

Many consumers state that they are now turning to YouTube or social media to learn more about products they are interested in. Not only that, but an estimated 84% of consumers admit that they have purchased a product after seeing a video representing the product or brand on social media. If you’re not producing explainer product video content to help consumers understand your products and the various uses or features involved, you’re potentially missing out on a huge audience.

Who Needs an Explainer Product Video?

Wondering who this type of content is for specifically? A common question that we get in addition to, “What is an explainer product video,” is, “Do I need one?” The reality is, if you’re selling products, you could benefit greatly from producing an explainer product video that helps your audience to understand your product, its features, and the benefits provided by your brand. With consumers spending upwards of 100 minutes watching video content online each day, today’s competitive market is one in which business owners must be producing content that directly reflects the interests of consumers. 

Every business that has a product to sell can benefit from producing an explainer product video. Whether you’re in healthcare, marketing, sales, retail, or ecommerce the list of industries and potential businesses that can benefit from an explainer product video are endless. So what is an explainer product video and do you need one? It’s a short-form video that explains your product, and if you sell a product – you need one!