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Top Reasons Boston Customer Testimonial Video Production is a Must for Your Business

The internet has certainly changed the way we shop and experience connections with businesses and brands online and off. While customer interactions, and one on one customer referrals have long been a key element in business sales, now more than ever customer testimonials are the driving force behind business revenue. In fact, 92% of consumers state that they turn to customer testimonials and references prior to make a decision to purchase from a business or brand. In case this isn’t enough to convince you to work with a Boston customer testimonial video production company, perhaps these top reasons to produce customer testimonials with a professional will?

camera crew filming testimonials profile

  1. Video-Based Customer Testimonials are Preferred by 79% of People

If you’re thinking you could potentially get away with producing some written customer testimonials for your Boston business, think again! Video based customer testimonials are the chosen method of checking up on how other customers feel about a brand or business for 79% of consumers so unless you’re trying to appease a mere 21% of consumers, you’re going to need to focus on working closely with a Boston customer testimonial video production company instead!

  1. Nearly 40% of Consumers Turn to Video Testimonials to Learn About Using Products in their Own Lives

According to some recent studies, 39% of consumers actually find customer testimonial videos to be useful in helping them to visualize themselves using a product or service in their own lives or routines. Working closely with a Boston customer testimonial video production company will help your business to display the ideal visual concept to your target audience encouraging them to find ways that they can utilize your products or services to solve their own problems.

  1. Customer Testimonial Videos Trigger Consumer Emotions

Ask any marketer what it takes to sell more products or services and they’re going to tell you that you’ve got to create an emotional connection with your target audience. Customer testimonial videos, and video in general, helps consumers to feel emotionally connected to the business or brand resulting in a stronger overall connection that will ultimately be more likely to also lead to a sale.

  1. People Recall Video More than Any Other Form of Content

One of the most valuable benefits of working with Boston customer testimonial video production professionals is the fact that people recall video significantly more than any other format of content. In fact, consumers recall 95% of what they see in video compared to only about 12% of what they read in text format. So, if you want your audience to remember the customer testimonials that they see, and to recall your brand as the brand that customers found to be a valuable solution to their problems, you need to share video testimonials or else you risk prospective customers recalling less than 20% of what they learn in the testimonial.

Filming a Testimonial interview on a FS7

  1. Executives & Others Generally Prefer Video

The majority of people prefer customer testimonial videos over other forms of marketing content or testimonials. In fact, when asked, 59% of executives stated that they would rather watch a video to learn about a product, service, or brand over reading about it or learning about it through a static image of some sort. If you’re trying to find reasons to choose customer testimonial video production over branded digital ads, written ads, or any other format of testimonial that is not video based, consider all of the people that turn to video on a daily basis and prefer it over other media formats.

  1. Testimonial Videos Influence Consumer Purchase Decisions and Trust Online

It’s really nothing new, for people to turn to others for insight into the businesses, brands, products, or services that they should choose from themselves, their own families, or their purchases in general. Think about it, decades ago even, when someone liked a business or brand, they would share their experience with others. They would tell their family, friends, anyone that they spoke with, about their experience and those people in turn would flock to the business for their own experience.

The same occurs when customer testimonial videos are created and shared for your Boston area business. In fact, Boston customer testimonial video production results in the sort of content of today’s landscape that is representative of word of mouth advertising from decades ago. A recommendation can go a very long way, and according to 88% of consumers, online customer testimonial videos are the recommended source of building trust for a business even over the recommendations that come from true friends or family.

  1. Customer Testimonial Videos & Peer Recommendations Trusted by 97% of Customers

Still not fully convinced that you need to be working closely with a Boston customer testimonial video production company for your business? What if we told you that 97% of B2B customers stated specifically that customer testimonial videos and peer recommendations or reviews were the most trusted and commonly relied upon forms of marketing content? Would that convince you to give Beverly Boy Productions a call to get started with our Boston customer testimonial video production company?