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Quick Tips for Atlanta Customer Testimonial Video Production Success  

Word of mouth advertising, or recommendations, have long been an incredible source of driving sales for businesses and brands. Long before there was the internet, we had family and friends that would share their experiences with products or services that they loved sparking an immediate desire to try the products or services out for ourselves. Today, customer testimonial videos have very much taken the place of recommendations in many ways, and are considered some of the most powerful forms of marketing content among brands large and small. For Atlanta business owners, success with Atlanta customer testimonial video production begins with choosing the right professional for the job.

Hiring a professional Atlanta customer testimonial video production company to assist you with the creation of powerful customer testimonial videos that can be used to drive consumer interest and increase sales for your brand is a complex process. Unfortunately, no two customer testimonials are produced equally, which is why it’s important to hire a professional Atlanta customer testimonial video production team, like Beverly Boy Productions, to assist you along the way.

In order to ensure your success with any customer testimonial videos you choose to create and share, consider these quick tips for Atlanta customer testimonial video production success.  

Filming a Testimonial interview on a FS7

  1. Don’t Forget to Show the Product Being Used by the Customer

Producing customer testimonial videos that show off how the product is used by the customer is an important part of the production process and it’s one of the key benefits to hiring an Atlanta customer testimonial video production crew. They’ll know how to show the product being used without taking away attention from the testimonial but instead highlighting the product itself and the value it can provide to consumers. With 39% of consumers stating that they use video testimonials to help them visualize their own use of a product or service in their life, this is a very important step that should not be overlooked.

  1. Hire a Customer Testimonial Video Production Crew with Experience

Working with just any Atlanta customer testimonial video production company isn’t ideal. You need to know that who you’re working with has the experience and expertise that is necessary for production of your project and for a professional outcome. Before you hire a customer testimonial video production company in Atlanta, make sure that you ask the following important questions to gauge experience and expertise:

  • What is your past experience in producing customer testimonial videos?
  • Do you have past customer testimonial videos that you can share for our review?
  • What were the outcomes of your past projects and how satisfied were your clients with the videos you created?
  • What is your project timeline like and how do you handle revisions, contracts, and other requests?

Make sure that you’re aware of how the professional company you hire works, what you can expect, and what the expectations are of you ahead of time.

  1. Focus the Customer Testimonial Videos on Sharing the Customer’s Story

A customer testimonial video is about the story your satisfied customer has to share about your business, brand, or the experience they had working with you. It’s important to focus the testimonial video on this story, rather than making it too much about what you think or want to share it should be about what your customer wants to share. There are a few reasons that this is important when you hire an Atlanta customer testimonial video production company, because:

  • 92% of consumers look to testimonials to help them decide whether or not to make a purchase. 
  • 81% of buyers actively conduct research prior to working with a vendor.
  • Consumers admit that reviews influence their purchase decision up to 95% of the time.
  • 90% of consumers trust what another customer says about a business over what a business says about their business.

By focusing on the consumer’s story, you will further build the trust that customers are seeking to build by viewing the various customer testimonial videos that they seek out for your brand.

  1. Let the Professionals Do their Job and You Do Yours

One of the hardest things about working with a professional to produce customer testimonial videos for your Atlanta business is going to be allowing the video production crew to focus on the project while you focus on your business. While it can certainly be challenging to relinquish control, it’s important to let the professionals do their job and produce the testimonial videos for your business while you focus on your work. 

Hiring an Atlanta customer testimonial video production crew, like Beverly Boy Productions, to focus on building out video testimonials for your business while you focus on other projects is an important step toward successfully generating consumer trust, interest, and sales for your brand. If you’re still struggling to understand the importance of working with a professional, or you’re wondering what steps you can take to ensure your customer testimonial videos are a success, contact our Atlanta customer testimonial video production crew for answers!