5 Talking Head Video Examples that Every Brand Should Produce

The production of talking head videos has increased so rapidly over the past decade it seems that these videos are literally a dime a dozen online. With more than 82% of the internet made up of video, talking head videos are seemingly a dime a dozen these days. If you’re a business owner or brand executive, we’ve got some ideas and concepts for Talking Head Video Examples that we believe every brand owner should produce.


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Talking head videos are used for everything from training manuals to expert testimonials in case studies, vlogs to explainer videos. While the talking head video interview might be present in just about every industry across just about every inch of the world, don’t let the omnipresence of the talking head videos food you into thinking that they’re easy to create! As popular as they are, they are not easy to produce, but they are important which is why we’ve come up with some talking head video examples that you should consider recreating.

Vlog Videos for Travel Brands

As you’re navigating the process and idea of producing Talking Head Video Examples for your brand or business, the vlog is something that comes to mind frequently. Vlogs that take the talking head format are great for travel brands, but they don’t have to be utilized by travel brands. They can also work great for brands that are into fashion or consumer products and, in some cases, they can be valuable for B2B brands, too.

Producing a vlog that utilizes the talking head video style can be ideal for sharing key details about a business, brand, products, or services to the audience and, by following typical Talking Head Video Examples that are commonly shared across the web, they can even attract the attention of key influencers generating scaled audience recognition, too.

Explainer Videos for Service Brands

Service brands have a lot that they can share with their audiences, but they don’t always know how to approach the sharing of information. One of the best talking head video examples that we can think of for service brands is to share in an explainer style video that has the subject explaining how to get the most out of a service, what a service brand provides, or what the benefits of a particular service brand are.

If you’re a brand that provides a service to your customers, talking head videos are an excellent way of driving consumer connections for your business and humanizing your brand so that your audience will trust you more.

Explainer Videos for Product Brands

Another common example of talking head videos that work is the explainer video for product brands. These types of talking head videos often showcase a customer, client, or brand ambassador sharing details about a product. The video might incorporate both a mix of the talking head style where someone shares their insight and details about the brand as well as live-action footage in which there are images of the product being used in person.

If you’re a brand owner for a product, explainer videos that incorporate the use of talking heads and the product itself can be a great opportunity to present your product to key consumers, to build audience trust, and to increase audience understanding of the products that you offer, especially if you sell a product that’s difficult to understand.