Benefits of a Video Spokesperson for your Website

So you’ve decided to create a video for your website–who will be your spokesperson? As a small business owner (or even if you’re a large business owner) you’re likely always on the lookout for ways that you can deliver your core message to consumers so that they take interest in what you have to say. In fact, engagement is one of the most challenging tasks we face as business owners creating content on a regular basis. How can we create content that engages our viewers and piques their interest in a way that keeps them around to hear the entire message?


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A video spokesperson may be exactly what you need!

As you consider adding a video spokesperson that will convey your message to your potential customers and represent your brand in a manner that is not only professional but engaging and exciting, be prepared to weigh the pros and cons of having a spokesperson and what this will mean for your business.

To help you understand what we mean, we’ve outlined the following benefits of having a video spokesperson for your website:

A Video Spokesperson Speaks To Your Audience

On behalf of your brand, a video spokesperson can speak TO your audience. Whether you’re using a video spokesperson to help potential consumers connect with your brand and understand what you have to offer or you’re interested in a spokesperson that can appropriately represent you and your business, your options are fulfilled with a video spokesperson.

You have the ability to choose a spokesperson that has similar demographics to that of your target audience. For instance, if you’re business is focused on selling baby products, you may have a spokesperson that is clearly a mother with children who represents your brand on camera.

This will directly influence how viewers feel about your brand as they can relate with the mother and will value the representation of the spokesperson for your brand.

A Spokesperson Understands Your Audience

interview with video spokesperson

Going along with the note above about having a spokesperson that meets similar demographic criteria as your target audience, the spokesperson will understand your audience.

A spokesperson that understands the audience brings a level of trust and a sense of security with him or her when speaking about your brand.

Your audience will recognize whether the words coming from the spokesperson are rehearsed or if they are truly genuine from someone that understands the audience’s needs. This allows for a deep connection between your brand and the audience that otherwise may have not been achieved.

A Spokesperson will Capture the Attention of Your Audience

We get flooded with websites and pages and videos all day, every day. Online there is such an abundance of content in all forms coming at us that sometimes an audience can be immune to hearing your message. However, a video spokesperson shows your audience that your website and the content you deliver is human.

A spokesperson can capture the attention of your audience despite the flood of content that they are accustomed to. And, sometimes just catching the viewer’s attention is enough to deliver a powerful message via video.

Since we remember 95% of what we see versus just 10% of what we read, a video spokesperson is an ideal starting point when it comes to your brand delivering significant amounts of vital information about your business, products or services.

Instead of delivering another blog post, consider the use of a spokesperson that can deliver the message in a way that is more likely to be appreciated, enjoyed and, most importantly, remembered.

Ready to get started with a spokesperson for your brand? Contact Beverly Boy Productions today to get started!