What to Include in Company Culture Videos for Maximum Engagement

How do you make funny, interesting, elaborate company culture videos that will earn the engagement of your audience? Whether you’re a big name brand with a strong culture looking to share your company with the world or you’re a tiny office on the west side that wants others to know the vibrant company culture that takes place behind those closed doors, we’ve broken down the elements of a company culture video that garners maximum engagement. Here’s what to include, and what you can avoid when creating company culture videos for your brand. What to Include in Company Culture Videos for Maximum Engagement.

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  • 1. Tell Your Story

The best company culture videos tell your brand story in a way that captivates the audience that the story is delivered to. You don’t necessarily want your company culture video to be a rendition of how you, the CEO, sees your company, but rather how the average employee sees it. What is the story behind the brand? How does that story play out everyday in the office? What elements of the company culture are derived from the history and the story behind the brand?

Look to those inside the culture to provide honest stories that truly showcase the brand. Go beyond talking with the CEO. Talk with the employees, the ones that work day-to-day in the office and experience the corporate culture firsthand. They are the ones that will tell the story most vividly. 

For example, you may have a corporate culture that allows for unlimited vacations. And to say, “we allow unlimited vacations,” is great. But what if you had an employee share his story, of going on a 10 week excursion with their church group and coming back to find their job still ready and waiting–THAT tells the story of a business that allows unlimited vacation!

  • 2. Be Genuine

Company culture videos that are genuine and have stories that are told from the heart will resonate with the audience. Be genuine in your video and show the audience that your business has heart. A corporate culture video that is backed by a genuine passion for the business will stand out to the audience. A passionate, genuine story is worth far more than a throw together example.

How can you be genuine with a company culture video? Think of how the business formed. Think of what makes your employees happy to come to work. Think of the passion that your founders have or the passion that your customers have towards your brand and the ways that passion comes into play in the office and behind the scenes. Share those passions with the world!

  • 3. Highlight the Funny, Witty, or Otherwise Interesting Culture

Is there something silly that you all do as part of the culture of the brand? Do you all come together for a particular cause on a particular day? Is there a funny quote or comment that only makes sense to those that work there? Include those, “you had to be there,” moments that make up your corporate culture to show outsiders what it’s like to be a part of the business. You don’t have to give away everything that makes your culture fun, but give a glimpse into the heart and soul of the business so that outsiders can see the funny, witty or interesting things you do together as a team.

  • 4. Share Core Values

Finally, the best company culture video content almost always focuses on some of the core values that are specific to the brand. Whether it’s special perks of working together, key details of the culture or employees that make up the brand, or some special element of the teamwork that goes into making the brand what it is, sharing core values with the world can provide great insight into what it’s like to be a part of this culture and brand. 

Need help producing a corporate culture or company culture video for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We can’t wait to help you build your brand!