Funeral Live Streaming Services 

When it’s time to plan for a funeral, it can be a challenge to bring the circle of loved ones together in the same place. From job issues to sickness and more, there are many reasons why you can’t have everybody in the same place to say goodbye. This is when it can be helpful to use funeral live streaming services in Spokane Valley. 

Live streaming technology is something that several funeral homes are offering nowadays. Because the pandemic has made it more difficult for people to be in the same place at once, live stream technology allows loved ones to grieve at a funeral service with their phone or laptop.  

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Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Families Connected

There are a myriad of reasons why we move far from home. Whether it’s because of a job or love, we may not live in the same city as our loved ones. But fortunately, technology has a way of keeping us close despite the distance. 

This is true of live stream technology. It’s been around for nearly 20 years, providing people with the ability to attend weddings or graduations from afar. Now, it’s starting to become more popular at funerals, with about 20% of funeral homes offering this service. 

Global Reach for Grieving Friends & Family Members

You could send flowers or messages of sympathy but if you want to be present at a service, Funeral live streaming services in Spokane Valley offer a global reach that allow you to attend from any city you may be located in.  

Helpful Aspect of Funeral Live Streaming

There are some people who may feel that a live stream service may feel inappropriate for a funeral, but with travel issues and sickness more common than ever, this technology can be especially beneficial right now. Keep in mind that a funeral live stream service is shared over a closed network for a private event. 

Funeral live streaming services in Spokane Valley also offer these benefits: 

  • Planning a funeral to take place ASAP may be necessary. Live stream services make this possible. 
  • The footage shot for the live stream can be recorded and saved for later, as needed. 
  • A chat feature with the live stream services allows people attending online stay connected in times of grief. 
  • Parents who are not ready to bring the children to a funeral may appreciate this technology as it allows them to attend in some way. 
  • They say that attending a funeral is helpful for the grieving process. Consider attending online for this reason. 

At Beverly Boy Productions, we are here to help you through this challenging time by providing top funeral live streaming services in Spokane Valley. We know that it’s a challenge to plan for a funeral, and get everyone together, which is what we’re here for. Call us today when you need added support for a funeral service. 

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