How to Write a Script for a YouTube Video

YouTube is a popular social platform that connects people with videos on a variety of topics and subjects. Most businesses and brands have YouTube channels that feature their products, services, and interactions with customers, clients or others. In fact, many brands consider learning how to write a script for a YouTube video an essential concept because keeping an active profile on this platform is so important these days. If you’re interested in creating YouTube videos for your business, it all starts with learning how to write a script.

We’ve made the process almost painless! By the end of this post, you’ll know how to plan your script outline and you’ll learn how to write a script for a YouTube video that can be shared on your very own YouTube channel. If you think producing your own YouTube video is beyond your scope of expertise, give Beverly Boy Productions a call today – we’ll help you produce professional looking YouTube videos for your business or brand!

Determine Type of Video


Before you begin your YouTube video script it’s important to consider the type of video you intend to create. Whether you’re going to produce a film that shares details about your business, your products, or what you do everyday is totally up to you! Think about what your audience is most interested in seeing from you and consider starting there.

The most common types of YouTube videos include:

  • Vlogs – the video log, which represents a short detail of a particular subject or what you do in a day.
  • Short films – the typical short video that represents either fiction or non-fiction style things like comedy, documentary footage, etc.
  • Interviews – either a one-on-one or one-on-multiple style question and answer interaction on a particular subject.

Naturally there are a variety of different options available and the sky is the limit with YouTube. As you learn how to write a script for a YouTube video, it’s important to keep in mind that your video should be generally be about 7 to 15 minutes in total length as this appears to be what audiences are most likely to engage with.

Determine Topic

The next step is to define your topic. YouTube videos should focus on a particular subject even when you’re creating a video interview or a Vlog. Whether you’re logging your trip to a particular hotel or location, sharing a day in the life off your office, or a niche specific interview with members of your industry, it’s important that you think carefully about the topic of your video.

You might also want to gauge interest in your topic using tools like Google Trends or by researching keywords that are relative to your topic. While this isn’t absolutely necessary, it can help you to ensure you’re producing videos on topics that will garner particular interest from audience members outside your general audience.

Outline Your Video Script

Now it’s time to create your YouTube video script outline. This is like your rough draft and will include all of the essential details about your video as you brainstorm and pull the thoughts together. Your outline should include:

  • The hook – how will you grab your audience’s attention? A statistic, key quote, or funny comment are all considerations depending on the topic of your video.
  • The introduction – This will include the details of why you’re producing the video. Give your audience the introduction of yourself or your video subjects, the topic overview, why you’re sharing with them and what you’re sharing. What will the audience learn if they watch?
  • Script Body – This represents the meat and potatoes of your script. You should make sure that you have introduced your topic, you support it with several supporting points, and you summarize your message again towards the end.
  • The Call to Action – what do you want your audience to do after they watch your video?

Writing the Script

Now that you’ve taken the time to outline your YouTube video script it’s time to write. As you learn how to write a script for a YouTube video it’s important to consider how you will show your audience visually what you want them to know. Keep that in mind – Show, don’t tell!

Words are important, but they should be carefully planned. Keep the wordiness minimal and use visuals to tell your story. Consider conversational tone which should provide for about 180 words per minute of video. Anything more than 180 words and you’re probably pushing towards being overly wordy and not using visuals enough to your advantage.

Take your time and write the script out so that you can attract your audience interests, introduce them to yourself and your subject, and deliver on your promise. Finish with a call to action that tells them exactly what you want them to do.

Now that you have learned How to Write a Script for a YouTube video, think about all the amazing videos you can start scripting for your business and what this could mean for your brand!