Video Production for Fish & Seafood Markets

A trend toward healthy living, paired with a rise in per capita disposable income is likely behind the growth of the fish & seafood markets industry which represents a $4 billion dollar market that employs about 14K people in the U.S. Fish & seafood markets provide fresh caught fish and various types of seafood for consumption including things like lobster, clams, crabs, and other crustaceans. Video Production for Fish & Seafood Markets represents a highly-focused means of marketing & advertising for seafood sellers that can boost audience interest, generate key consumer awareness, and drive seafood market sales.

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Earlier publicized focus on the mass number of oil spills that occurred within the ocean during the 2010-2018 timeframe would create some struggles for fish and seafood markets as consumers would lack confidence in the cleanliness of the catch resulting in revenue loss during this time. However, rising consumer confidence as to the current cleanliness of the sea and the fresh catch that markets sell is most certainly a factor in current rising rates of consumption which will contribute further to demand and growth within this incredibly valuable industry.

At Beverly Boy Productions we work closely with fish & seafood markets to create consumer-conscious advertising and promotional video products that will drive up industry-related sales and boost audience awareness of the products offered by the business or brand. Our expert video production services for fish & seafood markets will help you rise above the competition making a stand for your brand in this competitive industry.

Promotional Videos for Fish & Seafood Markets

Promotional Video Production for Fish & Seafood Markets has the potential to position the brand in front of the consumer audience in a way that will help the business rise to the top of the competitive market and increase sales. Short, engaging promo videos can have many positive impacts on your fish market including:

Increased consumer understanding of products.
Improved consumer trust in the business.
Stronger conversions & revenue generation.
More social media shares & reach.
Increased sales.

According to recent studies, 64% of consumers that engage in social media and see branded video will make a product purchase after watching, can you afford not to be advertising with video online?

Marketing Videos for Fish & Seafood Markets

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As fish prices are set to rise, the fish & seafood market industry is going to need to take steps to keep their audiences informed, interested, and prepared to pay a little bit more for the fish & seafood products that the market sells. Marketing Video Production for Fish & Seafood Markets can help brands introduce revenue-boosting details to consumers so that they are more confident in the brand and less price-conscious at the same time.

In fact, marketing videos can have significant impacts on the fish and seafood market’s ability to grow on social media, organically, and offline, too. Consider the following benefits of video marketing:

Increased audience retention of messaging.
Increased social media reach.
Up to 49% faster revenue generation than other non-video marketing methods.
Increased ROI & revenue for the brand.

Depending on how you utilize marketing videos for your fish or seafood market, you could experience up to 66% more qualified leads per year for your business.

Training Videos for Fish & Seafood Markets

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As a fish market, the overall number of employee turnovers that you deal with is almost certainly high. Employees often leave jobs because they feel like the business isn’t invested in them, hasn’t provided adequate training, or simply isn’t able to keep up with their needs. Training Video Production for Fish & Seafood Markets can mitigate many of the immediate issues employees have causing them to leave an otherwise great employer.

Consider training videos to:

Increase your employee engagement with training.
Improve employee productivity.
Reduce your training times.
Save your team time & money on training.
Provide training that employees will find easy to connect with and fun to take part in.

Training videos are always available, easy to access, and flexible for employees that require support remotely or during off-hours times. They’re a great way to show your employees that you care about their advancement and to reduce turnover rates for your fish & seafood market.

Interview Videos for Fish & Seafood Markets


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If you’re finding that the biggest struggle with your fish & seafood market is building up repeat clientele, it could be that consumers lack trust in your business. Trust is a huge factor in repeat business, right up there with quality and professionalism. If your audience doesn’t trust you, they won’t be likely to engage, convert, or come back & they certainly won’t tell their friends about your brand!

Interview videos for fish & seafood markets can improve audience commitment & confidence in your fresh fish & seafood products to reduce total customer acquisition costs, improve repeat clientele numbers, and overall boost revenue for your market. Give Team Beverly Boy a call and ask about expert interviews, and our many other professional services in Video Production for Fish & Seafood Markets.