Video Production for Fine Arts Schools

Fine Arts Schools provide education in a variety of arts related concepts and topics including drama, dance, music and visual arts in addition to traditional academics offered by the school. Students that receive degrees in fine arts often attend prestigious Fine Arts Colleges such as the University of California, Los Angeles, or from the Art Institute of Chicago, but there are more than 16,282 businesses that provide fine arts education across the country including a mix of k-12 schools as well as colleges & university programs. Video Production for Fine Arts Schools focuses on building consumer awareness around educational programs and increasing tuition-generating admissions which result in revenue boosts for the school.

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The Fine arts schools industry is a $6 billion dollar market that has suffered a drop in revenue due to a variety of economic concerns including lower per capital disposable income, high inflation rates, and stricter regulations on monetary policy which resulted in an overall negative pressure in recent years, but growth is expected in the near future. Fine arts schools are expected to experience nominal growth thanks to increases in per capita disposable income, reduced social distancing, and economic recovery which will draw students back onto campuses for the next few years.

Beverly Boy Productions works closely with fine arts schools to produce expert, data-driven content which promotes, markets, and educates students, teachers, and families on the culture, benefits, and key concepts of your educational options. Our expert video production services can help you to grow admissions and increase revenue for your school

Promotional Videos for Fine Arts Schools

Promotional videos for fine arts schools include a variety of expert concepts and techniques that are aimed at promoting the school, building audience awareness around the educational services provided, and generating revenue through increased admissions & connections relative to the campus. Short, engaging promotional videos have many benefits for fine arts schools including:

• Bringing out the culture & community experience of a school to boost audience recognition.
• Creating a personalized approach to sharing details specific to the school.
• Sharing the story behind the school & building brand recognition among the target audience.
• Creating a strong sense of connection between students, prospects, and parents.

Promotional Video Production for Fine Arts Schools goes beyond just selling the school & its services to share the story, background, and culture that makes a fine arts school important to its student audience.

Marketing Videos for Fine Arts Schools

Marketing videos for fine arts schools are integral to driving student leads, especially since today’s audience is more inclined to watch video online than any other audience ever has been. Fine arts schools can experience significant benefits from the production of marketing videos that:

• Share insights into curriculum and key tutorials.
• Offer unique data on sports, school services, special events, and other activities.
• Provide commercial details surrounding the school, it’s culture, and the story behind the school and student body.
• Offer a sophisticated look at the campus, providing campus-tours and student connections.

Marketing Video Production for Fine Arts Schools can increase admissions, boost parent generated leads, and increase revenue while successfully promoting the school to a very specific audience of parents, students, and prospects.

Training Videos for Fine Arts Schools

Beverly Boy camera crew

When it comes to training, fine arts schools often turn to video for both their students and their staff. Training videos for fine arts schools are essential for onboarding, new student engagement, and for providing interactive educational training activities that meet students & staff where they’re at in their own learning path. In fact, training videos have many benefits for educators including:

• Reduced total training time.
• Improved training outcomes.
• Stronger delivery of complex training concepts & topics.
• Greater student & audience retention.
• Improved accessibility, flexibility, and access to training.

It doesn’t matter if you’re training a classroom of students, or a group of newly hired employees, your campus is going to benefit from providing video based training that saves time, and money, without jeopardizing the overall training outcome for your school.

Interview Videos for Fine Arts Schools



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As an educational facility, especially when it comes to fine arts, building trust among your audience and their loved ones, parents, or friends is essential to your own growth. Fine arts schools that choose to utilize interview videos in their marketing & advertising programs can appreciate the value of expert, niche-focused content that:

• Increased audience trust.
• Improves prospect commitment & confidence.
• Increasing conversions.
• Generates more student leads.
• Results in more admissions to the campus.

From start to finish, the incorporation of professional produced video that represents your fine arts school is essential to generating admissions leads, increasing school sign-ups, and generating more revenue for your fine arts school brand. Ask Beverly Boy Productions about our expert Video Production for Fine Arts Schools and how it will help your school grow to the next level.