Tips for Marketing Film Production for Success

Film making is fun. It’s creative and exciting. It takes great talent and time investment and skills. But many filmmakers quickly find themselves so caught up in the fun and excitement of production that they forget the importance of marketing film production for a successful launch. While marketing may not be your forte, you can’t just “not” market your film production and expect success. It doesn’t work that way.

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At Beverly Boy Productions we specialize in marketing your film production for success. So after we work with you to produce the best film in the industry, we’ll hold your hand and guide the way as we market and promote your film for distribution success. Give us a call to learn more.

Tip #1: Set Goals & Target Audience

Before you can market your film production you’ve got to have goals in mind and a target audience set. Who will you market to? That’s your target audience! What is the purpose of marketing the film production? What goal do you wish to achieve?

Some common goals include:

-Developing professional connections

-Developing clips for a sizzle reel

-Developing an audience or following

No matter what your goal is, make sure that it is appropriate and that your target audience is properly aligned. 

Tip #2:  Develop a Marketing Mindset

Marketing film production requires you to understand that not everyone is going to like what your video provides and that’s okay! Keep your goals set and develop a marketing mindset that helps you to focus on the value you provide that those who are in your target audience will connect with.

Focus on how you can reach your target audience and deliver a message that will attract them. Don’t focus on who doesn’t align with your goal — that doesn’t matter!

Tip #3:  Plan Marketing Content

Marketing your film production for success requires you to plan ahead. You should be thinking about the marketing steps and stages as early as pre-production when you’re just planning your video.

Make plans for how you will attract your audience. Consider capturing behind-the-scenes videos and photos that you can use to build suspense for your film early on.

You may also consider the use of candid character photos that can be used to produce posters or other forms of marketing media early on. The marketing mindset should have you always thinking about how you can plan marketing around the production that you’re involved in.

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Tip #4:  Develop an Online Presence

A strong online presence is going to help you succeed! While you probably already have your own social profiles and a website, consider the content that you can share on these feeds or on other sources online to boost your presence and engage your audience.

If you’re producing a big film, you may want to create individual social profiles for the film or for each character of the film. For smaller productions, you may consider marketing your film production via your own social feeds.

Use tags, hashtags, and keywords to boost reach. If producing a television show, series, or movie, consider individual profiles for the film. Dedicated profiles can help to develop a stronger online presence for the production while setting it apart from your own personal files and handles.

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Tip #5:  Prepare to Host a Screening Party

Finally, marketing film production for success should really all lead up to the big event — the screening party! As you prepare to host a screening party, consider your target audience and where you can reach them. Work with a local venue to host the party. It’s possible that you’ll find a space that you can rent for little or no upfront money. 

Work with local musicians, comedians, or various other influencers that your target audience will relate with best and ask them to plug your screening party in their social posts, feeds, and upcoming presentations. The goal is to create a heightened sense of awareness and desire to engage in your upcoming event. 

A screening party allows you to boost following for your film and produce a sense of excitement around the release. Ask artists and local reviewers to be a part of the event.

This way they will share their own reviews and influence for the event with potential audience members. Want to learn more tips for marketing film production for success? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!